Chapter eleven.

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*Liam's POV*

Me and Mia spent ages looking for the little love birds. We finally decided to go to the hotel where the after party was being held the night before, as that's where Niall, Zayn and Louis were staying, so we went there to see if we could find Harry's car in the car park. Me and Mia decided to leave them a message at reception and a text message saying:

"Your not very good at hide and seek are you? We found you. Text us when you get this, love M, L and baby directioner x"

On our way to find Harry and Chloe, we chose baby names, it wasn't easy but we got there, "Luca James Payne" for a boy and "Ruby-Leigh Payne" for a girl, as we hadn't found out what the baby was yet, we called it "baby directioner" for now.

Later on we went to see Niall, Zayn and Louis at the hotel as Niall was the only one awake before, when we went round to see them. We pulled up in the car park noticing that Harry's car was in the same spot as before, me and Mia giggled. I got out of the car and ran around to the side where Mia was and opened the door for her like a chauffer, she thanked me and giggled. We made out way to the door when we saw Chloe and Harry kissing me, and Mia laughed, we knew what each other was thinking. We made our way to the doors where Harry and Chloe was going to meet the rest of the boys.

I shouted Harry, he turned around, still holding onto Chloe's hand, you could tell that they loved each other from the moment they met. They just, clicked- just like me and Mia did.

We talked then it sort of went quiet, when Mia blurted out that we had chosen the names for the baby, I was expecting it to be somewhere "classy" not really in the travelodge lobby. Chloe held onto Mia's belly then I nudged Mia as we giggled, Chloe and Harry had no idea why we was giggling, we looked down at Mia's belly then to Chloe's. Chloe clicked on and automatucally denied our accusations. Harry still hadn't realised what me and Mia where getting at. I agreed to explain to him later on, me and Harry walked on in front leaving Chloe and Mia to gossip behind us. We went into the lounge and we were greeted by the rest of the boys and Aneesa.

*Harry's POV*

We were going over a few dance moves when Liam got a text from Mia, saying that her and Chloe were at the doors and will be in the arena in about two minutes, my legs turned to jelly, I would be seeing her again. She arrived stood with Mia, I caught her looking at me, I nodded my head, gesturing for her to come over to me. We walked off together backstage hand in hand.

I heard people cheering, it wasn't the crowd, it was Liam, Mia and the rest of the band. I asked chloe whether she knew what everyone was cheering for, she smiled "well, I wanted to tell you this myself, Mia and Liam are expecting a baby!" Her smile was huge, I could feel the excitment building up inside of me. Me and Chloe hugged, we were a bit giddy, like a pair of eight year olds on christmas morning. We stopped and stared into each other's eyes, I leaned in towards her and we shared a kiss, i got butterflies in my stomach, it was like the first time we met all over again. She blushed and looked down, a man called out to say that we were on stage in five minutes. I kissed Chloe one last time and grabbed her hand, we walked back to the rest of the band and Mia. I didn't know whether me and Chloe were a "thing" or not, I didn't want to say anything about it in case things became awkward between us and i kind of liked how things were now.

Throughout the concert I kept on looking over towards Chloe and Mia's seats, they looked like they were having so much fun. The concert ended before I knew it. Its a shame really, I like making our fans happy, and knowing Chloe was having the time of her life just sent tingles through my body.

Later on Mia had came backstage to meet Liam, I was hoping that Chloe would be coming but then Mia explained to us all that she had gone back to her house with her friends that had came down to visit her from Manchester. I was a bit upset that I wouldn't be able to see her for a while, but Liam and Mia made an arrangement for Chloe to come to Mia's when I drop her and Liam off later, so that I can take Chloe out for a drive then drop her back home later on.

By the time I dropped Liam and Mia off back at Mia's house, where they were staying, they both got out of the car and when I looked up the street to where Chloe's house was, I seen a figure coming down the street towards us, I made out that this figure was a girl, "Chloe?" Mia quietly shouted "Mi?" It was Chloe, I had tingles through my body whenever I saw Chloe.

"Coming for a ride?" I asked leaning over the passenger seat opening the door. Chloe's face lit up, I heard her whisper something to Mia, I think it was "thank you" but what for?

We drove around for a while but then I seen Chloe yawn, "wanna go home?" I asked her "no, I'm fine" she replied. "Not even to my hotel room" I winked and we both giggled. "So is this after party still on?" She openly said.

I drove us back to the hotel to find out that the after party was in fact, still on. As Chloe was only 16, we wasn't allowed to let our managment see her drink any beer. We got a bit fed up and went up to my hotel room..

Well from then on, it was pretty explicit;).

That morning me and Chloe were pretty loved up walking down the stairs we kissed and went to find the others. "Harry!" I turned around not letting go of Chloe's hand, it was Mia and Liam, they told us the names which they had chosen for their baby, apart from "baby directioner". I was ecstatic! Mia and Liam made a joke, Chloe denied it though. I just didn't get it, but Liam told me that he'd tell me later on. We walked to the lounge where we met the best of the boys and Aneesa, who was Zayn's new girlfriend.

*Chloe's POV*

We drove around for a while, I got a bit tired but then I remembered that they have an after party at the end of the concert. Me and Harry headed to the party. I wasn't allowed to be seen with beer because I'm 'underaged'

We got bored of being downstairs with everyone so we went up to Harry's room which he shared with Louis, but because they knew I'd be coming back, so Louis stayed in Nialls and Liam's room which they shared because Liam was spending the night with Mia, which meant that there was a spare bed for Louis.

I sat on Harry's bed and looked around his room at the jeans, converse and Jack Wills things. I noticed a Jack Wills jumper on the end of the bed, I picked it up and noticed that it was the one I've always wanted. I laid it out on my knee, I could smell aftershave coming from the jacket. Harry came out of the bathroom in just his boxers. Was this actually happening, was Harry Styles really coming out of the bathroom in his boxers whilst I was sat on his bed?!

Harry gave me a pile of Jack Wills, Hollister and Abercombi and Fitch clothes and told me to pick some things out of there as I was still in my clothes from the concert. The next thing I knew, I was in bed with Harry! Yes, Harry Edward Styles! I woke up very clear on what happened last night, a smile started to appear on my face. We decided to get changed and head downstairs to meet the boys and Zayn's girlfriend, Aneesa, I'd spoken to her the night before but not spoke to her much. We made our way downstairs, I was dressed in one of Harry's Jack Wills tracksuits. We seen Mia and Liam at the doors and we spoke for a while in the lobby, Mia told us the names which they had chosen for the baby directioner, then Mia and Liam made a joke about me ending up like Mia, pregnant. I denied their accusations and we went to meet the boys and Aneesa.

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2012 ⏰

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