Already Dead: Chapter Two

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I guess you can all know why I named her Miranda Collins. Misha Collins :D It's a shame that he isn't in this story isn't it? But maybe I could keep it going until season four. I just want it to be regular episodes though. Enjoy!

By the way, May 2, is Sam Winchester's birthday. Not Jared, Sam. Happens to be my birthday too :D


"You don't even care!" Raleigh yelled at me. "All you do is complain about how terrible your life is. Your selfish." 

As much as I didn't want to, I felt a tear slide down my cheek. She has never talked to me this way, let alone tell me how she felt. I've hurt her, I realized. The accident happened so long ago, but I still didn't treat her like a friend. I am selfish. 

"Your mom died a year ago," she continued, pushing her dark hair behind her shoulder. Her memorable blue eyes filled with anger. "Get over it, I wish I had your life. Do you know how lucky you are to have somebody love you?"

"Raleigh..." I frowned. 

"You know what, Miranda? I'm so sick of it, of everything. I have no one. Get over yourself!" And with that, she turned her back to face me and left. Something sparked in me, anger, most likely. It took all my might to not run to her and slap her. 

"I hate you!" I yelled. Once she was out of my sight, I clapped a hand over my face and cursed at myself, wishing I had duck tape to keep it quiet. Suddenly, I felt searing pain on the hand over my mouthed. I tried to examine my hand but there was blood, everywhere. I whimpered, not remembering this happening. It felt like I was falling, or maybe it was just the fact that my legs had gone completely numb. 

A familiar face appeared, but I couldn't put my finger on it. My mouth dropped when I learned that this was the same somebody I was talking to about three minutes ago. "Raleigh...?" I asked, never feeling so scared in my life.

Her eyes, which now lacked the color blue, we like a cloudy white. Her hair was a tangled mess that fell over her shoulders, not the way it used to. It was horrible. When she smiled, I felt like gagging as blood dripped down. When she stepped forward, I couldn't help but step back.

"You turn..." It sounded like she was drowning. My bloody hand made its way back to my mouth. 

She disappeared, like the TV when it loses connection or a flickering light. I took deep breaths, trying to calm myself down. When my tears were all gone, I frowned at my surroundings. Instead of being in the street were I was like a minute ago, it looked like I was in a  torture chamber. 

She flashed in front of my face, and the last thing I saw was her smile. 


I thrashed in my bed, surprising myself. I was nearly out of breathe. It was unusual to have a nightmare, especially for me. Is this what people mean when they say the guilt is eating them up? All I wanted to do was cry, which I haven’t done in a year. Not since my mom died.

When I looked at myself in the mirror, I scowled. I was deathly pale, my brown hair drenched in sweat. In other words, I wasn't something you'd like to face the first thing in the morning. My eyes were red from sleep, but what else was new. 

I yawned, looking out my window. My eyes widened when I noticed a Chevy Impala parked in front of my yard. I realized it was the two people from yesterday. Dean and Sam, the ones interested in Raleigh, I recalled. I frowned, not trusting them. When they approached me they said they were cops, but they were obviously not. 

Already Dead (a Supernatural fan fiction)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum