I continue walking, dodging everyone and slipping through the small cracks of people until I am pushed out into the opening, in what looks to be a cafeteria. Before I could walk to what looks like a lunch line, I am yanked back by my collar. I trip back, falling onto someone. I turn around, about to curse them out, when I recognize them. I slap her on the arm and smile, nodding my head in disbelief.

"I found you," Durva smiles, waving her hands ecstatically.

"I guess you did," I respond, rubbing my neck. I turn to take in the cafeteria, an enormous room with a small rail in the center of the room.

"What's over there?" I ask, keeping my eyes on the railing.

"I don't know," Durva answers, shrugging.

"I wasn't asking you, I was asking my wristband." Durva clicks her tongue with realization and I roll my eyes.

"A hole," the wristband responds in a monotone voice.

"Holy crap," Durva yells, eyes wide with shock. She looked down at her red band, then looks up at me. "So, I can ask it any question?"

"Probably not any question. I mean there is probably an algorithm or s-"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Computer stuff, whatever," she says, waving me away. I raise my hands in defense and walk away, making my way to the hole.

"Holy," I breath out, looking at the hole. The gigantic hole stretches about ten feet in diameter, and many feet down. I push my way to the railing and look up, seeing only a glass ceiling. I take my chances and look down the hole, noting the multiple floors beneath this one. I slowly back away from the hole when I bump into someone and turned around.

"I'm sorry dude," I trail off, looking at the person. "It's you?"

Connor raises an eyebrow and smiles, unsure. "I think so, question mark?"

"What are you doing here?" I ask, carefully taking every detail in. I didn't want any surprises.

"Breakfast," he responds simply, nodding his head at the long line. "I normally come in early, so I don't have to wait in the line, but, as you can see, I didn't."

I nod, still skeptical. "You told me what time to meet you, but not where. Where are we meeting?" I ask, watching him carefully. He is wearing the same outfit as me, except that his shirt has a gold circle on the sleeve.

"In the training room, I guess," he shrugs, starting to walk towards to the breakfast line that was finally going down.

"What's the golden circle for?"

"This?" he asks, pointing exactly at the golden circle in question. "It just shows that I'm a part of Leadership." I nod my head and follow him to the line.

"There you are!" Durva calls out, placing her arms around my shoulder. I push them off and push her away from me, earning a smile from Connor.

"Hello, Durva," he greets, waving at her. Durva turns her attention from me to Connor and pauses. I roll my eyes as her smile grows, knowing exactly what she would do and say.

"Hello, doctor," she responds. I scrunch my eyebrows together in disgust as she continues, unaware of the awkwardness she is bringing to the atmosphere.

"Okay, that's enough," I scold, pulling her away from an uncomfortable Connor and stepping in between them.

"I'll see you guys in the training room," he nods awkwardly, taking a tray of food and walking away. "Don't forget to get Shivangi, though," he calls out as he continues walking.

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