14 [i was never alone]

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Because me and my husband (WOOHOO) are stuck in the airport because our goddamn flight to got knows where is delayed, we're going to do a little Q&A! Ask us questions with the tag #TydreaQ&A

#TydreaQ&A are you still in the cupcake phase?
Always. We cuddle and kiss and are the biggest softies when it comes to PDA

#TydreaQ&A when did you know you loved each other?
during filming season 2, Andrea had an injury down her torso and we had to take her to hospital. i went into the surgery with her when she had to get stitches, and she held my hand so tight I thought it would break, but she didn't shed a tear, and I admired her so much for that. I guess that's when I fell hard
I knew when me and Seb broke up, Ty took me to McDonalds and gave me advice and made me laugh and I realised there was no one else who made me feel the way he did, and I wanted they feeling forever

#TydreaQ&A how does it feel to be married to an alcoholic?
how does it feel to be blocked?

that's a talk we haven't had, but I'd presume so
what he said (:

#TydreaQ&A what is the others worse flaw?
Tyler cracks his knuckles and his neck ALL THE TIME AND I HATE IT SO MUCH BLUGH
andrea always puts the dishes away in the WRONG CUPBOARDS

what's your Harry Potter house? #TydreaQ&A
I'm a Gryffindor❤️
Ravenclaw 💙

#TydreaQ&A this is in no way meaning to be offensive, honest, but how did you (Andrea) get over your alcohol problems alone?
I was never alone. Remember that.

Colton? Is that you?

Mercy ➳ Tyler Hoechlin [3] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now