chapter zero 1/2 // ANOTHER ONE

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Hi everybody! Before I jumped into the story I wanted to introduce myself first a bit. It's been a day and this story has already blown up to what, 12 reads and all I have up is a short intro part. That's crazy!

Anyway, I'm Grace and I live in the Pacific Northwest! All Time Low, Waterparks, Panic!, State Champs and This Wild Life are my favorite bands and I will listen to practically anything lol. Well fuck country music but, anyway I listen to everything from pop punk and alternative, to rap and r & b.

Last night, I went to the Portland date of the Last Young Renegades Tour and met fuckin,,,All Time Low. Jack is the sweetest cutest little bean ever and I told Zack that he was loved and how much I appreciated him. I got to meet the lead singer of
The Wrecks too and Awsten Knight and Geoff!!!

So anyway, that's my intro, I hope y'all are as excited as I am! :)

- Grace

I Found A Way ; a.gNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ