Chapter 3

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Megan's pov

When my school day was finished, I headed back home to pick up my bike and head to the track. Riding was my entire life, and it also allowed me to travel all over the country. It also risked my life more than just riding. I was known to the world of vehicles as simply Dauntress. Everyone knew I was a girl, but no one knew my name, where I was from and my school career was always seperate from my biking one. This was so I could stay hidden from him.

My father, the man that had made it his soul mission in life to force me back into the monotonous life of violence he had created for me. I had escaped barely with my life and had been on the run for the last year.  I had tried to tell myself I could give up riding, that I could simply blend into a town and live out the rest of my life, but the urge to ride was overwhelming.

I tied my long dark hair up, and threw on my helmet, before climbing onto my bike and starting the  engine. It was blood red with the number 666 written on the side. It made me seem a little demonic, and I found it highly amusing. 

When I reached the track, I immediately hit the gas, circling the track at rediculous speeds and I came to a slow as I felt my tire loose height. I had given myself a flat. 

I headed over to one of the mechanics and I froze. It was Arran, the boy from detention. 

"What's up?" He asked.

"Flat tire."I replied and he nodded before getting to work.

Arran's pov

I recognised the female voice beneath the helmet, but I couldnt place it. I got to work, changing the tire while my sister Beth took care of the one next to me. When I was finished, Dauntress held out one hundred dollars. "Keep the change." She replied, before walking away.

I had practice at playing cool, but damn! She was the biggest rider known to man-well apart from my dad. Too bad no one knew who she was, she could be making millions, but instead she had decided to keep her identity a secret. I wonder how long she was here for, maybe she would give me a few tips and stuff if I asked her. 

I turned to look for her just as she swung her leg over the bike and disappeared. I would find out her name if it was the last thing I ever did.

Megan's pov

I just needed to lay low for a while, I could keep riding but I just had to stay as far away from him as physically possible. I stopped my bike by the gas station to fuel up just as my phone started ringing. 

"Hey." I answered. 

It was Driving Danni, the legendary mechanic that was around her. She had asked if I would like an internship with her while I was here as part of my education. I had graciously accepted and she told me that if I wanted to learn all she could teach me I had to move into her home for the duartion of my school year. I mean living there was probably better than living in my shabby little appartment and I would take that any day.

"Yeah, just to let you know you can move in tonight if you like and my son will begin your training, I have to leave with my husband on business but I will begin lessons when I return in two weeks." She said. She sounded kind, but I had never actually met her in person yet. 

"Sounds good, I'll just go home and grab my stuff. Whats your address?"

I noted her address, payed for my gas and headed home to grab my gear. 

It was weird, but I had the feeling that something strange was going to happen.

I reach my dopey little flat and bite my lip. it doesnt even look remotely like much and its in one of the worst parts of the city.

I have no idea what it was going to be like living in an enviroment with another family. I mean the environment with my father wasnt exactly the best situation for a seventeen year old girl to be in.

My dad wasnt exactly the best role model, or even the best parent for that matter. My mom died just after ky eleventh birthday and I had been left in the carevof my father. He begah excessively drinking and I had become the recipiant of his drunken rage. At the age of sixteen when all legal ties with him had broken Ivhad fled. I had spent the majority of my last year on the run, hoping he would never catch up with me. Thats why riding for me was so risky if it ever got out that I was Dauntress. He would catch me and I would end up six feet under.

Trying to ignore the depression of what could be that was trying to take over my emotions, I began throwing my belongings into a bag. When I had double checked that I had everything I locked up my flat- a pointless task since no doubt it would be raided by the time I returned to live in it anway. I climbed on my bike, reading the given address off my hand, I knew roughly where I was going and sped off towards my temporary home.


I held my breath as I reached the house. It was massive!  Bigger than anything I had ever lived in. I parked my bike, throwing a sheet over it, a clear blood red colour would give me a way too easily. I walked hesitantly towards the door, clenched my fist and knocked tentively.

I heard laughter from behind the door and it opened to see a face I was getting sick of seeing.


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