Chapter 23

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The next day after breakfast...

"Guys, there's not much to do around here and it's probably not a good idea for you all to be walking around." Stacy said.

"Don't worry, we brought disguises, " Dongwoo said.

"Ok, so where do you want to go?"

"Doesn't matter," L said.

"We probably shouldn't go to crowded areas because the odds of someone noticing you are higher," she said.

"You're right, " Woohyun added.

"We could go to aunty's restaurant for lunch since it's not too far from here," Stacy said.

"Are you saying that because you want to go there or is it because you precious boyfriend works there?" Sunggyu said.

Stacy hugged his arm "When did you start working there?"

Sunggyu's cheeks were now bright red.

"I have another idea, how about a bbq on the roof?" Stacy suggested.

"Yeah!" Sungjong said.

"Let's take a vote," Sunggyu said.

After the votes were cast, it was decided that they would have a bbq on the roof.

"'l'll need to get a few more things from the store," Stacy said.

"I'll go with you," Sunggyu said "If you break or scratch anything I won't let you off easy," he warned the other members.

He and Stacy left for the grocery store a few minutes later. After they left the building Sunggyu put his arm around Stacy, "I wish everyday could be like this. "

"If it was we would be drowning in our happiness."

"That's not so bad," he said pulling her closer before kissing her on the cheek.

They arrived at the grocery store 10 minutes later and bought the necessary items. On the way back Sunggyu carried most of the bags and gave Stacy the lighter ones.

Stacy was trying to contain her laughter. "What's so funny?" Sunggyu asked puzzled.

"Nothing, I was just thinking that right now we look like a real married couple," she said.

Sunggyu laughed.

"We should visit Jaeju Island the next time we're both free," Sunggyu said.

"Ok, it's a date."

Stacy pulled out her phone to check the time "People still attach charms to their phones?" Sunggyu asked.

"Yeah. "

Sunggyu picked it up to look closer at it "I've seen this somewhere before."

"You probably have seen it in a store or something. "

They arrived back at the apartment. The members had started preparing some of the ingredients while Sungyeol watched TV. At around 3pm they went on the roof where they had a bbq.

The next day everyone left around the same time to visit their hometown for the rest of their vacation.

At around 5pm Stacy was alone in her apartment grading assignments when her doorbell rang. She got up and opened the door "You should check who's at the door before you open it," Hoya said walking in.

"Yeah but it's not like a serial killer is going to show up at my door to kill me."

"You never know who could be on the other side of the door."

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