Its her! Its him!

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Will p.o.v
"I-If you don't mind. What's your n-name?" I ask really nervously.

She thinks for a while. "(Y/n)." Was all she said and walked off.

I was surprised. It was my (y/n)! I think I really didn't know because she looks way different than (y/n) when I last saw her. But she was very beautiful and her hair had changed. (If you have short hair than you grown your hair over the years.) she has long (h/c) hair and she has no make up, know that's the only thing that she won't wear. But it can't be possible, I mean it can't be fate or something right?

But I can't give up on (y/n). Now all I need is her last name to make sure it's really her. I also had to find out if she has a boyfriend or not?

(Y/n) p.o.v
  I came home and fell on my soft couch. Ugh what a day, Well morning. My phone rang and it was Lucas.
"Hey where are you?" He asked.

I sat straight. "Home. I got a headache and so I came home and fell on my couch and then you called and asked 'hey where are you?' so I told you that I had a headache and so I came home and f-"

He chuckles. "Fine. Just stop you are just so cute and funny."

I blush. "Thanks. So what are you doing?" I ask.

"Eating popcorn."

"What! FOR BREAKFAST?! I'm coming over yo." I said.

"Okay I'll see you then." He hangs up and I change.

I put a tank top on with some leather jackets with short and boots. I look good! Even without makeup. I head out the door and my phone in my pocket. As I was down the street I bumped into the man, I felt off again. Like I knew him but I just don't remember since I decided to forget the past and move on.

Once I get to Lucas house he picks me up bridal style. He carries me into the kitchen and when I got there, I see the table full of food. He puts me down and kisses me cheeks. "I made this for my princess."

"Lucas, are you trying to make me gain more weight than I already am?" I ask.

"No I just want you to have a good day today. Remember I'm leaving next week for my job." He looks down sadly.

"It's okay Lucas, whatever you do I still love you." I said and kissed again.

Lucas was finally getting his dream job and he had to move over there. Which that meant that we we gonna break up. That must be why I feel incomplete. He will be leaving and I will be alone.

I really do love him and I don't know what I will do when he is gone.

"Lets just enjoy the days we have left. And after if you find a girl then I will be happy with that as long as we are friends." I smile at him.

"Oh God I love you. I will also support your chose in a guy." He smiles.

"Okay then now lets eat this thing!" I say and he laughs.

We eat an then about a hour later, my belly was full. Then all of the sudden the blue guy pops in my head. I just push away the thoughts about him , but he keeps coming back!

Will p.o.v
  It's been like 3 days already. I still haven't seen (y/n) since I bumped into her. What really hurt me was that she didn't remember me. I got up and brushed my teeth and got changed.

I came out of my apartment and headed towards McDonald. Once I ordered I saw (y/n). She was sitting alone. I smile and walked towards her but then a guy joined her and she smiled at him. They held hands and I felt like my heart broke into millions of pieces.

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