Chapter Twenty

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So I'm going to Stanford and my mom is pregnant.

This was... This was life.

I was told I could go home after that. Dad had a meeting to attend on Olympus, Mom had to go back to work. So I decided what the hell, I'll swing by camp. Annabeth would get a kick out of this. She graduated a year early, was taking a year off.

Because they gave me an acceptance letter, yes they did. Annabeth was waiting to hear back from both Cambridge and Oxford.

When I got to camp, everyone seemed happy to see me and Grover asked why I wasn't in school and I explained that there was a situation, my class was let out early. But everything was taken care of.

"So you just stopped by?" Annabeth didn't seem to believe my claim. "You're in a really good mood."

"I know," I assured her. "have you heard back from Oxford or Cambridge yet?"

She shook her head.

"I mean, it's a different country," the daughter of Athena explained. "So it's bound to take longer. Why? Did you finally apply somewhere?"

"Nope," I told her as I popped the P. "But my principal gave me this today."

I hand her the acceptance letter and she flipped her shit.

"You got into Stanford?" The daughter of Athena didn't want to believe it. "On a full scholarship? Because of swimming?"


As planned beforehand, I met Percy at his place after school. And he was in a really good mood. Something that hasn't happened in a long ass time.

Yes, I know what happened with Paul today. I'm just glad he didn't get hurt and that he's not in trouble. That he's okay.

More than that, apparently.

Which was good that he had a really good day because mine was kind of shit today. And Percy was right in what he told me. That High School would suck. That kids won't always accept you.

I'm lucky they didn't leave marks.

I asked him about what happened and he told me that Paul was going to jail and that his parents weren't mad and that he gotten accepted into a college, but before he could tell me where, he noticed that something was wrong with me.

And he stopped half way through his sentence.

"What's wrong?" Percy asked me, suddenly going from really happy to really worried.

"It's noth—"

I can't lie to him. Not when the same shit had happened to him and when he knows how to get the information out of me as it is.

"No, it's not." My boyfriend corrected me. "It's something, and if it has you like this, it's not okay. What happened?"

I shrugged and we sat down on the couch.

"I don't know." I was honest. "I was just walking along after lunch and some dude started mocking me and annoying me and I tried to ignore him, and I did. But he started to call me out in front of others and he called me a freak and he sort of shoved me against a locker. And he groped me, in front of everyone, and he threatened that if I didn't stop like being gay or whatever he'd make sure I hated it or something and then a teacher took him away. And everyone just... Nobody... Yeah. You were right. High school sucks."


Alex came over around 3, and we headed over to Percy's. Nico was there, too. He left a note saying they weren't really doing anything if I wanted to go over.

So we headed over. Sally still working, Poseidon on Olympus, it was our place.

Percy and Nico were in the living room. Nico's favorite movie, Mulan, was on the main menu screen. Both him and Percy were asleep.

You literally can't let them watch a movie together. They always fall asleep.

And Nico had a bad day at school, yeah. So of course they were cuddling.

Alex did not expect that.

"What..." Alex remarked as he looked the power couple of camp right now. Aside maybe Clarisse and Chris. "Why are they cuddling? Percys as straight as a line."

"No?" I disagreed with what he thought about Percy's sexuality. "Nico and Percy have been together for like... Over a month now? They flirted back and forth for the entire summer until Percy asked him out."

Nodding his head, I imagine he planned on asking Percy about it later.


Patrick met us at Percy's place, and Percy was awake by then. After yesterday... Were all pretty tight. And I'm also terrified of Percy now.

Bianca wasn't. Nico didn't seem to be when he got up, and he knew what had happened. But Patrick and I... We kept our distance.

"Are you guys okay?" Percy asked Patrick and I, which scared the shit out of us as it came out of nowhere. We were waiting in pizza to come for dinner.

"What?" He asked after we were scared out of our skin. "Are you really afraid of me?"

"Well, I mean," Patrick reasoned. "You almost killed my dad today."

"He's not dead."

"Yeah," I agreed. "Because we ripped you off of him."

Percy thought about it.

"Fair enough," he remarked. "But he also sort of raped my mom and you. So... I mean, I'm hard to piss off. Nico knows."

"I've seen it once," Nico confirmed for us. "It's happened twice. He has yet to actually kill somebody, though."

"And it's that yet that scares me." I explained to them. "Because you could. At any moment."

If I Could Tell You (Percico)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz