|Twenty One|

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"Dad! We're home!!" 16 year old Malasia called out walking inside her home with groceries in her hand. Tatiana, her mom and Malasia came home hours after going out to the mall and things.

"Dad?" She called out again, he couldn't have went out his car was out front. She walked into the living room stopping dead in her tracks as she saw her dad lay down in a pool of blood. She dropped the bag and ran over to him sobbing.

"No. No No No, this must be a prank. Dad wake up. You got me, wake up" she repeated, her father loved to play pranks on his family.

"You're such a great actor. Where is the camera?" She chuckled looking around before looking back at him. She stared at him realizing he was actually dead and started to sob.

"Mal-- oh my gosh" cried her 14 year old Tatiana, running over to him she screamed. Looking down at his chest, Malasia noticed it was a gun shot wound to the heart.

"Oh baby, noo!" Her mother came yelling out cries. "Malasia, call 911. Quickly" 

Malasia grabbed the house phone with shaky hands and dialed the numbers. She was about to put it into her ear but a sound of a gun shot and her name being yelled out interrupted her

*flashback over*

"Malasia!" she heard Jacob call her name as people started running out. He grabbed her arm and put her to hid behind the bar with him.

"Malasia!" She heard Khloe yell.

"Yes? Is Andrew okay? Are you okay?" She asked.

Khloe looked down at Malasia who was hiding behind the bar, her face turned into a frown as Khloe shook her head no.

"No. No. No" Malasia repeated getting up.

"Malasia, you can't" Jacob grabbed her arm.

"Let go. I have to" she pulled her arm away and ran to the second level. She ran passed Khloe to see Andrew going out of concious holding his abdomen.

"Malasia" he whimpered, Malasia and Khloe kneeled down.

"Andrew, you son a bitch. What the fuck happened??" She asked looking at his gun shot wound.

"I was tryna stop the guy." Andrew chuckled then gasped for air. Malasia turned to the people who were still here, including Quavo and his crew who were currently beating the guy up.

"He was about to--"

"Shhhh, just breath. I need something to wrap you up. Khloe you and Jacob go find something. And call the hospital" Malasia said in a hurry as Khloe and Jacob rushed off somewhere.

"Mal, tell Luci that-"

"Shut up bitch, you ain't going no where. Just breath and stay awake, you tell her yourself"

"Just tell her--"

"No. I will not! So shut the fuck up and breath" Malasia yelled causing Quavo to come over. Quavo looked at his bloody knuckles.

"Do me a favor and get that curtain and rip it apart, please" Malasia told him as she held onto Andrew's wound, her bloody hands on his body making sure he doesnt lose any more blood.

Quavo got her a peice of the fabric and she used it to wrap up his wound.

"Ow, that shit hurt." Andrew winced.

"Shut up, this is what you get for tryna be a damn hero knowing you got a fiance at home" 

"Such a bitch"

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