Love and Cool Water Chapter 15...

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Hey all so here it is i have the next two chapters written out i just need to type them up, sorry for the wait but work has been hectic lately

anyway dont forget to vote and comment, love the comments



Chapter 15...

The drive to the hotel was quiet, with Luke concentrating on the road and me taking in all my surroundings. I had tried to explain myself when we reached the car but every time I opened my mouth he shook his head stopping me. Eventually we settled into some kind of uncomfortable silence that created a massive space between us in the tiny car.

As we pulled up to the building where we would be staying, Luke grabbed our stuff and with a nod to the two gentlemen waiting at the door, he disappeared inside.

Mr Ridley was standing next to a brawly looking hunk of a man who looked about ready to rip my head off.

'Miss Cameron, I take it?' He stated. My eyes flickered to Mr Ridley uncertainly, he nodded at me to go ahead with a small smile.

'Yes Sir.' He walked over to me towering over me with an aura that demanded respect, it also scared the crap out of me, he had frown lines creased into his frown head as if he had never smiled a day in his life.

'Mr Ridley here has told me all about just how talented you are, but I prefer to refrain from judgement till I see it for myself.'


'I have also spoken with Mr Taylor and the two of you seem to have worked really well together this far so I thinking it's only fitting that we continue with that arrangement to some degree.'

My mouth dropped open in protest but before I could form any words he continued, ignoring my distress as he began a slow walk around me sizing me up and prodding and poking me.

'Well, we'll get started first thing in the morning. I'll have Luke collect you in the morning to show you where to go. I suggest you go in and get some rest, it's getting late.' He started to walk away before stopping and turning back towards me. 'Highs schools over kid this is where the real work begins. I expect you to realise that and put hundred and ten percent in.' He left then leaving me slightly violated and a lot confused.

Mr Ridley was practically beaming when I finally looked over at him.

'Sooooo lets go check out your new room, for all intends and purposes.' He laughed pulling me behind him.

'Wait wait, can I ask you something quick?'


'Why are you so jolly and happy right now, don't get me wrong, it's great, but when I first met you, you where mmm really serious and actually a little mean.' I rushed out.

'Oh that, well put it this way when I meet hundreds of potential swimmers, I try not to get my hopes up I mean because sometimes they are just not right, they haven't got the right stuff or their attitudes are sometimes completely wrong, sometimes they just want money sometimes they try to use me for their own gain. I have to shift through all that crap everyday and then someone like you comes along, completely unaware of their potential and utterly brightens up my day. I can't tell you how excited I was when you called me to say you wanted to join us, I've been doing this a long time and I haven't seen your kind of talent in ages.' I felt myself blush bright red at his praise before he continued pulling me into the building. 'I'm actually a naturally happy person, you know.' He added smiling at me over his shoulder. 'Oh and don't let Coach James get you down. He is a brilliant coach, work hard for him and he will work hard for you.'

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