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LukeBlack: always thinking about you

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LukeBlack: always thinking about you

Luke's POV

It was hard. Giving her space. She's my best friend. I miss her laugh echoing through the house or her feet running down the hall when I walked in from work. Like she was waiting. Her hands in my hair to put me to sleep and her lips on my neck when she woke up in the morning. It wasn't right not being with her.

I don't know what she's done to me. I never felt these things. Some kind of draw to another person. It was always just me. Then Brit came along and changed it. The first night we spent together, it was revenge sex. She wanted to get back at the boy that hurt her by doing worse. And nothing was worse than me, in her mind. But, she was sad. She was broken and lost and I thought I could help her. It was also selfish, I liked having her around.

Charlie has tried to take my attention away from her. We took a trip to Miami to stay at his grandparents beach house. I still couldn't help but text Brit to tell her I'd be gone. She told me it was ok but I didn't feel right about leaving her alone. Not when she had so much going on.

"Dude, there are girls everywhere and you're staring at your lock screen?" Jake fell on the couch next to me and I glared at him, making my screen go dark. He didn't need to see the picture of Brit and I on it. It was for me. So I could remember what I was waiting on. "Come on, she's clearly not over JT if she left."

"You clearly don't know anything about her if you think she's hung up on that asshat." I rolled my eyes, leaning back on the couch. "She's got a lot going on."

"Why are you so hung up on her, man? I never understood the hype about this girl. I mean, first JT and now you. Every dude is high school tried to get with her? Is her pussy fucking made of gold?"

"Can you shut the fuck up?" Charlie slapped his head, sat between us and handed me a beer. I took it and gulp down as much as I could to try and calm myself. I really wanted to hurt Jake. I mean, he was an idiot to begin with but he didn't know enough about Brit to even form an opinion. "You're just pissed Talia dumped your ass." He pointed the neck of his bottle at Jake and laughed before turning to look at me. "You both need some time apart though. Maybe it'll help her in her little self wandering journey."

I chuckled, shaking my head while I looked out at all the people. I just wanted to go home. Go to bed or something. Maybe FaceTime Brit and see what she's been up to. But I couldn't do that. She needs her time and I would give it to her. I'd give her the space she needed. No matter how hard it was for me.

I downed 2 more beers before Charlie talked me into shots with some of the other people at the house. People had crowded in and some had even brought their own alcohol. It was packed and extremely loud. My shirt had been discarded and I took about 5 shots of tequila before everything went down hill. There were a lot of girls and they weren't very shy. After a very enthusiastic dare from a very drunk Charlie, two of them were on my lap and had their tongues in my mouth. There was a blonde and a brunette. The brunette asked me to go upstairs and she brought her friend along. I was too far gone to say no. Jake clapped loudly when he saw me going upstairs and I pulled another one girl up with us, another blonde. They were so enthusiastic about this. They all got naked and slid my jeans off for me. I was pushed on the bed and all three of them started rubbing my dick.


My head was pounding and I had no clue where I was. There were 3 naked girls in the bed with me and I was completely naked. And it all came back. I fucked up. I knew that. I grabbed my phone from the night stand and instantly cursed. I had 6 text messages from Brit and a missed call. This couldn't be good.

I unlocked my phone and opened the messages carefully. She never texted me more than twice in a row.

What the fuck, Luke? Why did you send me that?

Did you think I wanted to see that? Did you want to hurt me??

You said you understood why I needed time and you really pulled something so low?

You're the same asshole you were before I met you. You'll never be a good guy. I should have fucking known.

You're seriously just going to send me that and then not even bother to text me back?

All of that shit you told me about wanting me is complete bullshit. You miss having someone in your bed whenever it's convenient. Fuck you, Luke Black. I don't want anything to do with you. You can go do whatever the fuck you want. I'm done. Enjoy yourself.

"What the fuck?" I groaned, scrolling through our messages. I hadn't texted her anything so I had no clue what she was talking about. I'd remember calling her or talking to her. I remember everything last night. I knew she'd be upset if she knew but why would she know already? What the hell did I send her?

"Go back to sleep, baby." The brunette girl placed her hand on my shoulder and I instantly pushed her off. "Come on, we can have our own fun before they wake up."

"Get the fuck off of me." I mumbled, standing up from the bed. I slid on my jeans as quickly as possible before running from the room. I pressed on Brit's contact, hoping she'd answer but it didn't. It rang once before it ended. I tried again but same thing. She was purposefully dodging me.

"Yo, wild night, huh?" Jake patted my back as I stood in the kitchen. "I've been wondering when you'd get back in the game. Didn't realize you'd go full throttle." He laughed and I gulped, looking down at the texts again. "What's up, man? Shouldn't you be singing to the Gods? You just got fucked by 3 chicks at once."

"No, dude. This is bad." I shook my head, rubbing my face. "Brit found out. I don't know how but she said I sent her something but I didn't. I know I didn't. I wasn't that drunk to not remember."

"What do you mean?" I showed him the texts and his eyes widened. "She won't answer me and I think maybe someone got my phone and sent something to her. Maybe one of the girls but this is bad. She hates me. I don't know what to do."

"We'll figure it out, man. Ok? Just breathe. We'll get breakfast and drive back home so you can go see her." He slapped my arm and I nodded, licking my lips. "You really love her, huh?"

"I can't lose her. I've tried so hard to keep her and I fucked up so bad." My eyes were burning and my head was pounding. My chest was heavy and I was losing my ability to breathe.

"Is he ok?" A feminine voice asked. I leaned against the counter and I heard Jake tell her to just go away. "Is this about that girl, Britney or whatever?" I quickly turned and glared at her. Who was she to know? Then I recognized her. She was one of the ones from last night. "You're friend, Charlie said you were getting over her. Said you needed a push so he gave me and Andrea 100 bucks each if we'd fuck you. Gave me an extra 50 to send her some snapchats of it. He said she hurt you pretty bad."

"I'm gonna fucking kill him." I seethed, pushing off the counter. Jake grabbed me but Charlie was already walking down the hall. I charged at him, tearing away from Jake. "You asshole! You ruined everything! Why? What do you have to gain?" I pushed him against the wall, catching him by surprise. Good.

"I didn't force you to go upstairs with those girls, man. You needed it obviously." He shrugged but I quickly swung my fist into his jaw, making him stagger back. "You needed to get over her. She's not good for you. You're obsessed."

"You don't know anything about me, man!" I pushed him back. "I never would have expected you. We're done, dude. Done."

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