No one but Ben and Charlie ever come around this late, but even so, they always text me to make sure I'm up before they do stop in. I checked my phone and no messages. I quickly took out the headphones and walked quietly downstairs to the door. How ironic, my dad's cricket bat is literally right next to the door. Before I picked it up I looked through the peephole to see who it could be. They had their head and basically whole body against the door so I couldn't see their face. One hand was one slowly knocking on the door as if their energy was wearing out. I immediately recognized the brown wild hair and grey sweater from early tonight before turning on the lights.

It was Brad.

I quickly opened the door, but his body immediately dragged and started to lean heavy on mine. I tried to get him up and put his hand around my shoulder so I can walk him to the couch. He quickly became aware of his senses and lifted himself up, but all the way, he looked like he could barely walk.

Before I started to question him, I set him down on the couch. I began to notice the cuts and bruises he had on his face, and the black & blue marks on his knuckles.

"Oh my god, Brad! What happened to you?" I quickly asked after noticing the bruises.

"First...aid...water" He said slowly, as if he was was getting weaker and sleepy.

"Oh yeah of course! I'll grab it from the bathroom" I said while getting up to get the first aid and a washcloth from the bathroom from down the hall. Then I made my way to the kitchen to grab a glass of water. I can't help but to keep wondering, what happened to the boy who was so strong and full of energy earlier, to get to weak and beaten up? Something must of happened at the pub.

When I got back to the living room, Brad was already starting to pass out on my couch. Without saying a word, I sat down next to him and began to clean him up with the washcloth, dabbing it over the blood from the cuts from his lip and forehead.

"Water please" he said quietly while sitting up just slightly. I passed him the full glass of water, not really saying anything again. I didn't know what to say or what to ask. I watched him as he drank about half of the glass before passing it back to me and laying back down.

"Ahh." He cringed as he attempted to lay back but stopped himself.

"You okay?" I asked. Which was stupid of me to even ask that. Of course he's not okay.

"My's just, stinging" he said messing with the hem of his sweater.

"Do you mind if I uh..." He said gesturing to take his sweater off.

"Um no. Here let me take a look." I said helping him remove the grey sweater and moving closer to take a look of his back. Even his chest was a bit bruised up and his back filled with cuts. Somehow he just managed to look beautiful in the moment.

I began to first wash out the cuts with the washcloth then added some hydrogen peroxide. The cuts on his face only need to be washed over with water. But the bruises and cuts on his chest and back were a bit more deep.

"This might sting just a little" I warned him before rubbing the washcloth on his back. He cringed at the sting of the pain trying not to make a sound. After I finished up with his back I sat back in front of him to clean up his chest. He kept staring at me but I was distracted by his body, filled with bruises, but still wonderful as ever.

"Why are you doing this? Why are you helping me?" He whispered to me.

"This is going to sting again." I ignored the question and rubbed the washcloth over the small cuts on his chest. He just cringed again but not as badly as before.

"Why?" Was all he whispered.

I sighed and responded with a simple "I don't know, okay?" because to be honest I really don't. I tried not to look at him. I just sat there as my fingers brushed over the cuts and bruises on his chest.

"Hey, look at me." Brad said softly has he lifted my chin up so my eyes could match up to his. "I'm really bad at saying the words 'Thank You'. So thanks."

"You're welcome. I guess" Then again for the second time tonight. He kissed me. Not rough and forced like the first time, more like a soft long lasting peck. But this time I pulled away a few moment later and looked down.

"You can uh, stay the night here. I guess. On the couch... I'll be upstairs if you need anything. My room is the last door at the end of the hallway." I said, then got up from the couch and made my way back to my room. All I can keep thinking is, what have I gotten myself into?


WOW. It's been a while. Well it's the summer now and I have nothing to do. We'll for now! This chapter is a little short but I wanted to end it where it is. Hopefully update soon. But please please pleaseeeeeee share and like this story. It would mean so much to me. I feel like the more reads/likes the more I'll probably update. xxx

Bad Boy Brad (Bradley Will Simpson)Where stories live. Discover now