First impressions

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After a few rounds of some shooting game that I had never played before, the guys were probably tired of being beat. My hand eye coordination and adaptability made me almost perfect. I figured out the controls almost instantly, and they didn't stand a chance.

"What the hell X, why'd you let her play? I was actually good before. Now I feel like a thirteen year old." Dylan said. He was one of the twins. Dylan and Joshua. They were tan, with rippling biceps. Their arms looked like boulders in their black tank tops. Bex was going to love it here. They were Xavier's right hand guys, and absolutely hilarious.

"Hah. Noob. You sucked before she came along. Don't worry Cam, don't take anything he says personally. Some of us aren't blessed with looks and brains." Joshua retorted, grinning over at his brother. Dylan kicked him, knocking Joshua off of the sofa. Dylan jumped down and tackled him, and they began rolling around on the floor, trying to get each other pinned down.

"Well, they will be at this all night, neither will ever win. It's getting late. Want me to walk you back to your room, my dear Luna?" He politely bowed, exaggerating the gesture. I stood up and smacked his arm.

"Call me by my damn name, Xavier. Please." He grinned, his blue eyes glimmering. "Okay, but you have to call me X. I like being mysterious."

Thanks to Xavier I would actually remember how to get to my room. We stopped at the door and I sighed, nervous to open it and see Lucian inside. The last time we were alone in here... I couldn't shake getting turned on at the thought. I didn't want to have sex with him, but being around him was almost painful while I was in this goddamn heat. I didn't know if I wanted to give him everything. I barely knew him, and I still didn't know his past. I needed to get to know him first.

"Give him a chance. He's a brooding asshole on the outside, but he's been my best friend for over a decade. Once you get past the hard Alpha, he's a great guy." Xavier was practically reading my mind. I leaned against the wall.

"X, can I ask you something?" "Anything." I swallowed hard before I spoke. "Lucian mentioned a girl he was seeing, or something.." I tried to be vague, not knowing if anyone else even knew. Xavier pursed his lips and nodded.

"You mean Rain, yeah. I mean, Lucian used to see a lot of girls. He was kind of the ultimate Alpha playboy. But him and Rain had a fling for a while. You might have seen her earlier downstairs, she has the curly hair." I nodded. So that was the bitch. Thinking about her made me want to shift and run until I was exhausted. Hell, I think I just needed to run.

"Thank you X. I guess that clears things." I turned towards the oak door and he put his hand over the knob. "Listen Cam... I know it might be weird with her and all. But if it makes you feel any better, I have never seen Lucian like I saw him earlier before dinner." I cocked my head.

"What are you talking about?" He grinned. "Well, he came down to talk to Jenna, and he was so... chill. There is a lot of shit going on right now between us and the Sun pack. He's been on edge for weeks, snapping at everyone. But when he was with everyone earlier, I just sensed a sort of calmness. A calm only a mate can bring. It's the same thing Roxie did for me. I was an ass. Now I'm just lovable." He ran his hand through his surf style wave of blonde, grinning casually.

"We haven't mated. We haven't marked each other..." I trailed off, thinking about what it would be like when we finally exchanged bites during the throws of passion. I had heard of what it was like, and everyone experience was different. The only consistency was that it was the best feeling in the world. I began to throb. Mother fucking hell!

"It doesn't matter. From the moment you first saw him, destiny had decided for you." He gave me an exaggerated bow, and pulled me into a tight hug. I put my arms around his waist and squeezed him.

"Thanks, X. I think I may like it here a little. Eventually." He released me, winked, and sauntered off in the other direction.

I opened the door, to an empty room. I called Lucian's name, and no answer. I was alone. It was nearly 10 PM. I checked my phone, responding to my dad again.

Everything is going great. This house is bigger than I could have imagined. Please visit soon. I love you.

Still nothing from Kahlia. I texted Connor.

Hey, have you seen my sister?


His response was almost instant. What the actual fuck. I suppose it wasn't my place to care anymore. I wasn't even part of my own pack anymore, and it stung. They had acted as though I'd been gone two years instead of a day. I bit back the hot tears that threatened to fall.

The room was cold. I put on the only long sleeve shirt I had and a pair of boy short style underwear. Lucian had already seen me, so what was the point? I crawled under the black and white comforter, and curled up with the pillows. My mind was heavy with painful thoughts, but it took me only moments to pass into a deep sleep.

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