Chapter 3

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An identical scene from the previous morning was being reenacted about the school as students gossiped, grabbed text books, checked in their lockers and whatnot. But as a certain (H/C) haired girl stood nervously at her locker, she was going to do something ever so slightly out of the norm for her. Tapping her phone in between her fingers she licked her lips nervously waiting for those two guys who were excitedly talking about their LEGO Millennium Falcon yesterday.

Five minutes before the bell was about to go they both appeared taking books out of the brown haired boys locker. Licking her lips again she took a bold step forward tapping the shoulder of the owner of the Melleium Falcon. He turned around and seemed surprised yet happy to see her.

"Hi!" He beamed with a bright smile, his friend also giving a large smile when he also turned around.

"Uh umm um I uh I, last night I went home and took a picture of my Mellimen Falcon up against my dad's LEGO technic airplane for a comparison in size, and and I thought you just might want to see." She said, mentally cursing her stutter as she held up the photo on her phone.

The two boys squinted at her phone and seeing the picture the Melleium Falcon was rather small.

"You were right it is rather small. Thanks." Ned smiled.

"It may be small but we had a good time starting to build it last night." Peter nodded.

"S-sorry if I was a bother or seemed rude, I just thought you might want to see."

"No thanks. Most people would have just called us nerds or laughed." Peter thanked her.

"Well my dad's a LEGO nut so..." She shrugged.

"Yo Parker! Leeds!"

At MJ's voice the two boys instantly gave her their attention, knowing they'd otherwise be met with a book to the head. And the new student was more than glad to slip away with yet again another provided exit. Proud of herself for talking to those guys.

"What's up MJ?" Peter asked.

"Oh nothing. Just felt like shouting your names." She shrugged.

"Damn it she's gone again!" Ned whined.

"Ah not again." Peter grumbled, he then gave a suspicious glance at MJ "did you do that on purpose?"

"Maybe." She smirked.

"And let me guess you're still not going to tell us what her name is?"

"Nope." She shook her head.

"Who are you!? A descendant from Hades!?" Ned begged.

"Quite possibly."

MJ's dark side was the topic of discussion for the trip to first class that day, all the while she would have made Hades proud.

The first lesson that day was chemistry. Thankfully for Peter it was a practical lesson meaning he could swipe a chance to make more web fluid. But of course he still had to complete the given practical. Which was hard when Ned gave him a nudge as he tried to concentrate on the bunsen burner.

"Look she's working with MJ. Why don't you go talk to her?" Ned urged him.

"What!? No way! Why don't you go and talk to her!?"

"I'm not Spiderman, I don't have your confidence."

"Well you're forgetting when I'm at school I'm not Spiderman I'm lousy Peter Parker."

"You may be lousy but not to me, and you've got more confidence than me so go talk to her!"

"Sorry I'm too busy making Web fluid." Peter excused himself ducking under the desk to his draw.

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