When I read that, I felt like that spoke exactly of myself and Aubrey. At this point, I was lost in my thoughts, reflecting in all of the heartbreak he'd put me through, throughout this entire relationship. Yeah, I'd accepted the apologies in the past, but now all of this shit was coming back at once.

Cheated with multiple women, I forgave him.

Embarrassed me in front of millions of people, I forgave him.

Put me second throughout important times in my life, I forgave him.

Had the bitch he cheated with come into my shop, I forgave him.

And now, he reveals that he secretly took the women he cheated on me with to get an abortion. Not only did he hide it, but we were also pregnant at the same time. Being a victim of a 'forced abortion' was a heartbreaking experience, so I somehow felt for Bernice.

Knowing the type of person Aubrey could be at times, he probably forced Bernice to get the abortion in order to protect himself. By her being the loud mouth bitch she was, it probably wasn't easy, so I could imagine him bribing her with materialistic shit in order to get her to agree.

Thinking about it all just made my skin crawl, forcing tears down my face. I stared at my left hand once again, glancing at the rock that rested on my ring finger. I slowly removed the ring from my finger, sitting it on the night stand next to the bed.

I needed a break from it all and that's exactly what I was going to get.

For the moment, I insisted that everyone returned to their homes so I could have time to clear my mind. This meant that Jason and Kylie, along with Aubrey's parents and mine would all be returning home.

After letting everyone know the way I was feeling, they were all on their way to LAX, catching flights back home. I would be flying my parents back out closer to my due date, but at the moment, I only wanted to be alone.

After everyone left, I packed up a few bags of clothes and shoes, with the help of the security that remained around the house. I packed as much as I could, and would be sending help to get the rest tomorrow.

After the security packed my things into my car, I took out my phone to send a message to Aubrey.

Sent>> By not being honest, you've only been cheating yourself. After all this time and chances, you're still a part of me. I want you to know how happy you once made me, and though you've broken my heart once again, I'm going to become better because of it. I've considered it for hours and I've made the decision to walk away from this engagement. Right now, you have not proven to me that you're not worthy of my commitment.
Since day one, all I've ever asked for was honesty and you've constantly failed. I don't want to keep forgiving, only to be hurt again. I'm not going to be that woman that sticks around only for the child, it's not worth it. You'll someday learn and understand where I'm coming from, and what your actions have done to me. This time, it might not be anymore coming back. Please don't contact me unless it's about your child, and I'm serious. Don't send anyone to talk to me about this, not even your mother. Allow me to heal and decide, that's all I ask for.

I'll be leaving the estate and going to my new home, please don't come there. I expect nothing out of you, I can take care of myself. Please don't step foot into my shop or on my property, the gate codes will be changed. Space is all I need, I hope I'm not asking for too much.

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