8. Beautiful Lesson

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Nandini POV


My alarm clock blared loudly waking me up from my beauty sleep. Its 7:00 am in the morning and well today is the last day of my work because its Friday and I couldn't be happier. Yesterday events again marathon in my head reminding me of all good and bad events.

I never thought I will have a good sleep after seeing Manik and he will be the one occupying my thoughts. Guess what I was wrong after last night dinner with Mikhail I was so relaxed and calm. I still cant believe we bonded so well. The events of yesterday dinner stayed as a big goofy smile on my face which I am still wearing. Never even once I thought about Manik but I was laughing like an idiot remembering all his silly jokes.

He is funny, smart, talented successful , rich and most importantly Handsome as hell. He is really a charmer. He is so easy to talk and get along unlike Manik. He will not let you feel threaten not even for once unlike Manik. And I don't know why even I'm comparing him with Manik in first place. They are far different. May be the both are powerful but they have their own way to deal with the world well Mikhail's way is more polite. Most importantly it wont hurt anymore to take Manik name when I'm comparing them to each other. I guess with Mikhail beside me Manik effect feels harmless.

'Baby you light up my world like nobody else

The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed

But when you smile at the ground it ain't hard to tell

You don't know, oh oh

You don't know you're beauty......'

 My phones new ringtone bring me out from my thought and I laughed a heartily laughed hearing the lyrics and remembering our argument in the car while our way back to home. So, he was doing this when he asked for my phone.

We actually had an argument about me he complimented me on my beauty and told me how he was awestruck when he first saw me. I blushed on his dreamy state and denied what he claimed. I told him that I'm not beautiful. I'm just simple plain me and I have nothing special in me. But he being the stubborn one argued on that and described me detailing each  and everything about my beauty and I became a cherry and was bursting with happiness inside. I mean no man has ever told me how beautiful I can be in his eyes. They way he described it I felt my self beautiful in that moment but still we both kept arguing on that. And then there he said that......

''Nandini. I know you're beautiful and  the thing you are calling simplicity and sobriety then believe me when I say it is your biggest asset , your inner beauty which shows on your outer appearance. Nowadays girls hide themselves behind too much makeup because they know their inner faults will show on their faces. But you.. you have nothing to hide and that is what makes you beautiful.'' by the end of his speech I have tears in my eyes. And then I remember Manik.

''Its you who thinks like that not everyone thinks like you. They don't call simplicity a beauty.'' I again argued back and he rolled her eyes.

''Trust me Nandini I know when a room full of men stare at you leaving their caked up dates. They all find you beautiful.'' He said with an assuring smile but I nodded my head in protest but he stopped me proceeding his speech. ''And I think you need something as a reminder what I or other men think about you. So, give me your phone.'' He asked extending his hands and I frowned although gave it to him. I don't know what he did looking so engrossed and then handed me back dropping me home bidding bye with his last effective words.

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