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I've been living in Davids house for a week, and everyday I realise more and more, I need a job. I started looking online for one that included some kind of involvement with writing, because I enjoyed it. I eventually found one for a article writer for buzz feed and I immediately wanted to know more.

After researching the job and finding out what I would be doing I submit an application. I felt nervous thoughts float around my mind and I tried my best not to second guess myself about the decision. After a few hours of just laying around watching TV I hear my laptop beep loudly, notifying me I had an email. I rushed back through to my room and opened up the email. It was from buzz feed.

Hello Brydee,

We have looked over your application and after some consideration we would like you to come in for an interview. We have interview a few open times and please reply back which you would prefer.

11am & 1pm Tuesday 1st November (tomorrow)

10am, 12pm & 1pm Wednesday 2nd November

We look forward to seeing you,

(A/N lmao I made this name up btw)

Chris James,
Buzzfeed representative

I stared at the email excitedly and grabbed my phone and began dialling David. David had gone out to film some stuff for his vlog and I decided to stay home and have yet another day of relaxing. Liza had gone with David as well so I had the house to myself.

'Hey David, are we doing anything at 1pm tomorrow?' I asked when he answered. 'No... nothing that can't wait at least, why?' He questioned me. 'I'm going for a job interview at buzzfeed!' I squealed into the phone. 'Brydee... you don't need a job... like seriously you don't... I don't want you working...' He said sternly. 'But Daviiiiiiii! It's as an article writer and remember, I love writing!!' I whined trying to convince him. 'I mean, if your sure you want to... I know people who haven't had the best experiences there... just know that if you decide you don't want to work their anymore, you don't have to work. I will look after you Brydee.' David said seriously. 'Of course I want to do this! I have the interview at 1pm tomorrow!' I said and I could feel myself grinning like an idiot. I was finally going to get back to writing.

The call ended and I immediately started typing up an email to BuzzFeed telling them I'll come in tomorrow at 1.

*•. *•. *•.

After emailing back and forth with Chris I have everything prepared for the interview. Except a good mental state.

Currently I am sitting in the passenger seat of Davids car on the way to the interview and David is trying to calm my nerves. In my hands I was holding a large folder containing a story I'd written a few years ago, my resumé and a bunch of other random stuff I was told to bring. David pulls up outside a building that has a large logo that says 'BuzzFeed'. He parks up and we both get out and walk in. David has his hand on my shoulder comfortingly and we walk up to the front desk towards a young girl typing away at a computer.

'Hi, I'm Brydee Jackson and I'm here for a job interview scheduled for 1pm,' I say after taking a deep breath trying my best to sound confident. She looks up and smiles before nodding and continuing to type it into her computer. 'Okay Brydee, I'll call Chris down right now. Please take a seat over there, he will be with your shortly!' She speaks after a few awkward silent seconds. She flashes me a smile showcasing her perfectly straight, white teeth. 'Thanks,' David said pulling me over to where the lady had gestured to.

We wait a few minutes until a tall male comes over to us. He doesn't look much older than 25 and has perfect golden beach boy surfer kind of hair. 'Hey Brydee, I'm Chris, we emailed back and forth?' He asked getting straight to the point. I nod vigorously and he continues to speak. 'So if you'll just follow me into the office over here, sorry mate this is a private conversation,' he says acknowledging David. David nods, 'You're gonna kill it Brydee!' He said in a reassuring voice. I give him a weak smile and I focus on not letting my nerves overwhelm me.

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