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David arrives almost half an hour after we finish our food. He comes in and chucks me a duffel bag, I look inside and see a bikini, a long sleeve tshirt and some knee length shorts. I smile flash him a thankyou smile and start to listen to their conversation. 'MOM IM HOME!' David yells loudly. 'Oh honey! How great for you to be home!' Heath walks in acting & dressed like a girl. Zane follows also wearing a wig and bikini. I hear Liza laugh loudly and I stifle a giggle.

'Okay so are we going in the pool or what?' Liza asks loudly. There's an array of yeahs sounded throughout the room and I get up to go get changed. As much as I don't want to, I didn't want then to think anything else was wrong with me. I get into the bathroom and lock the door. I get into my bathing suit and look at myself in the mirror. I stare at my reflection for a few seconds before looking away and blinking back tears. I'm always an emotional wreck.

All I saw in the mirror was a broken girl. Scratch that actually - a broken woman, I was 20 years old. A broken woman who cant be fixed. There were so many things wrong with me. There were so many holes in my past, that hasn't been filled up. So they just got deeper and deeper.

A knock at the door pulls me from my thoughts. 'Brydee you okay in there?' It was David. 'Yeah... I'm just...' I quickly pulled the grey long sleeve top over my head, put the shorts on and shoved my other clothes into the bag. I swing open the door and come face to face with David. 'You know you don't have to do this right? I could just tell then you really don't wanna swim... They wouldn't care...' David asked comfortingly. I shook my head. 'No. I don't want them thinking something's up... I can do this... I'll just keep my hands behind my back and just keep to myself. I'll get you if I need anything.

When I walk outside I see that Gabbie, Alex, Carly and Erin had arrived and were already in the pool. I sit on one of the pool chairs next to Liza and just lay there for a while. 'Heyyyyyy Brydee come in! It's not too cold! Trust me!' I open my eyes and look for whoever was talking to me. It was Toddy. I gave him a weak smile before taking off my shorts and shirt and walking over. I go over to the shallowest part of the pool and look for David. I see him watching me intently ready to help if I need.

I slip into the water and stand up against the side of the pool, my hands behind my back. Toddy comes over smiling happily. His hair is flopping all over the place and is soaking wet. I giggle at his appearance and he just flips his head side to side restyling his hair. He grins at me when he stops and I grin back. He reaches for one of my hands and I push myself further up against the wall hiding my arms further.

My heart was pounding and I tried to play off what just happened but Toddy would not. I look over and try to find David, his back is facing me and he's playing with Zane and Heath I think... Just when I least expect it my hands are taken from behind my back and I open my mouth to scream but nothing comes out. My eyes start to fill with unshed tears as I look into Toddys eyes. His are full of confusion and when he looks down his facial expression changed.

I felt a soft finger brush along my skin. Along the lines I had gone over so many times before. I tried to get David's attention, but I couldn't. It was like I was in a trance and I couldn't snap out of it. My head was aching from everything and I managed to pull myself away from Toddy. I get myself out of the pool and run to grab my towel before dashing inside, not daring to look back at Toddy.

Seconds later I heard someone else come in and I prayed it wasn't Toddy. I glanced behind me and saw David. I ran into the bathroom and waited for David to come in. He came in and shut the door and that's when the crying started.

'David... Toddy... Saw... Them... And... Traced... Them... David... Help......' I said in between hiccups. I was sitting down on the floor by now and I started shaking. I felt cold. Then hot. Then cold again. I tried to numb away my thoughts but they just consumed me. Black dots danced before my eyes and soon enough they took over my already dull, blurry vision.

[ worth it ] t.s / DISCONTINUED /Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt