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I wake up to my bedroom door creaking open. I sit bolt upright and stare at the door waiting for someone to make an appearance. After a few seconds I hear someone start speaking- singing to be more precise. 'Happy birthday to you... Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday dear Brydee! Happy birthday to you! Hip hip, HOORAY! Hip hip, HOORAY! Hip hip, HOORAY!' David and Liza burst through my door singing and carrying two trays full of food.

I straighten out my duvet and they place the food down before sitting down cross legged. I tie my hair up before looking at the food, there were 3 plates with 4 pancakes on each, 3 bowls of ice cream, some maple syrup, some sugar, Nutella and sprinkles. 'Thank you!!' I exclaim looking at the array of food placed in between all of us. I know notice there is are 2 candles sticking out of one of the piles and they have the numbers 2 and 0. I smile gratefully at David and Liza before we all dig into our breakfast.

After almost half an hour of talking and eating we are all finished and I go into the kitchen to help them clean up. 'Brydee Jackson go sit down on the couch right now and relax! It's your 20th birthday, there is no way I'm letting you wash dishes!' David says sounding a bit like a mother. I giggle as he points to the couch. I follow his orders and go sit down on the couch turning onto the news. It's something about the presidential election...

I wasn't following much of the election whilst in Australia, I mean why would I? I lived in Australia, not America. Neither of the 2 morons were going to rule my country but its only now that I realise the importance of the votes... I tune back into the news show and they are talking about how Donald Trump is winning... What a joke...

Soon enough I get bored so I go and get my phone. I return back to the couch and turn on my phone. Immediately I see hundreds of notifications taking over my look screen. They are from twitter and Instagram. I unlock my phone and manage to mute both the apps so I could use my phone without having it freeze every a few seconds.

I open up twitter to see what all this fuss is about. My mentions were blowing up. I look to see who I was following and what they were tweeting. I gasp when I see David's tweet:

@DavidDobrik : Happy Birthday to my favourite cousin! Have a great day Brydee 🎉💗 everyone go wish @BryydeeeJacko a happy 20th birthday!

'DAVID DOBRIK HOW DARE YOU!' I yell out angrily. David rushes out of the kitchen and looks at me questioningly before smirking. He returns back into the kitchen and I then notice all of David's friends tweeting about my birthday. I look back on my profile and notice I now no longer have less than 100 followers... I have almost 90,000+.... 'Daaaaaaaavvvvvvviiiiiiiiiid!' I moan.

All these new people following me... I don't tweet much and when I do it's nothing I wouldn't want the whole world to see, otherwise I wouldn't put it on the internet for the whole world to see... but I know from what I've seen from online news articles, there is a lot of hate that comes with social media fame... and I don't think I could go through that.

When David and Liza finally come through it's almost 12 noon. 'Can we watch the rest of Stranger Things pllleeeaaasssseeeee?' I ask when we were all comfortably positioned on the couch. David nods and finds it on Netflix.

*•. *•. 4 hours later *•. *•.

We had watched the remaining episodes of Stranger Things, had made nachos and had eaten a lot of popcorn. 'This has been fun as, thanks guys!' I beam at David and Liza. 'You're welcome!' They both reply happily. 'So what do you wanna do now?' David asks me. I ponder the question for a few seconds before answering. 'Do you reckon we could go shopping? I don't have much clothing variety....' As soon as I say it Lizas eyes light up and she looks at towards me excitedly.

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