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After talking and watching TV for almost 2 hours I decided to head outside to get some fresh air. I pulled out my phone and tried my hardest to forget about Clarissa and Timothy. David had blocked her when he got on my phone so I wasn't seeing the photo anymore. I aimlessly looked over social medias as I sat in one of the chairs right near the pool. Everyone was vlogging inside and although I didn't mind showing my face I didn't want to get much attention from their fans.

All of a sudden I hear the door open and some people walk out silently. I don't bother looking up because I honestly didn't care who came out here. Well that was the first mistake.

'OH MY GOSH BRYDEE HOW DARE YOU SIT IN MY CHAIR! THAT CAME FROM MY GREAT GREAT GREAT GREAT GRANDFATHER IM SO DISAPPOINTED IN YOU BEING SO CARELESS!!!' I hear someone yell at me, I'm pretty sure it was Zane. My body freezes and i take in their words. I didn't have time for questioning any logic. I leapt out of the chair only to see Zane laughing his head off and David vlogging it. I glared at David for a split second when he yelled 'NAILED IT! Perfect thumbnail!'

I became immune to everything. I couldn't hear or feel anything. I could see but my body was paralysed. I saw my hands shake and then I fall. My phone falls carelessly onto the ground and luckily I don't fall into the pool but I do fall onto the concrete. I'd say it hurt but I couldn't feel anything. I watched as David put his camera down facing the other way and came rushing over. I was lifted up and I looked into Davids distressed eyes. I look at the most recent person to appear in my vision, it was Gabbie. All i could hear was my heart beating loudly and harsh words being thrown around in my brain.

I was traumatised. Ever since I'd dropped out of uni my parents have just been yelling at me whenever they have the chance. Telling me how they are so disappointed in me. How they hate me so very much. How they wish it'd had been me who died, because my brother wouldn't have stopped his education just because there were a few sad events. My eyelids flutter shut and the last place I remember being was in Scottys arms with people trailing behind me.

*•. *•. *•.

When Brydee let out a yelp when she hit the concrete I felt my stomach dropped. I told myself I was going to look after her. I told her she was never going to be hurt by anyone again. And here I am, watching my cousin shake in terror because I wanted a god damn thumbnail. I put my camera down on one of the chairs and immediately ran to her aid. 'Someone help quick!' I yelled trying to get someone to come outside. I look into Brydees eyes and see her stare back absently.

This was all new to me. I'd never seen anyone go through a panic attack before. I feel tears spring to my eyes but I blink them back, I need to help Brydee. 'Everyone move let me see her!' I hear Gabbie yell taking control of the situation. Everyone was just staring at her shaking body not doing anything. 'Guys I know what we need to do,' Gabbie said clicking her fingers as she looked at Brydee in shock, she clearly wasn't in a trance like the rest of us. 'We need to get her inside and somewhere quiet and comfortable. Her mind needs to relax before her body can.' Gabbie said calmly. Scotty steps forward and bends down picking her up bridal style. 'Take her to someone's room' Gabbie pointed towards the closest room which happened to be Toddys.

Everyone files in behind Gabbie and Scotty. Surprisingly, Toddys room isn't ridiculously messy and it's a miracle, his bed isn't looking disgusting as it usually is. Scotty lays her down and Gabbie sits down next to her propping her head up on some pillows. She points to the throw blanket that is screwed up into a ball in the corner of the room and Heath immediately grabs it and gives it to Gabbie. Gabbie tucks it around the almost lifeless body of Brydee and tells everyone except me to get out.

'When will she wake up?' I asked Gabbie. 'I don't know... if she's really tired probably not until morning... but if she's not too tired it could be anywhere between 10minutes and a few hours...' Gabbie says staring at Brydee, she was studying her every movement. Which was just her breathing. I sigh and look down at her as well. 'She's not warm enough' Gabbie blurts out after we saw Brydee shiver slightly. 'Do you wanna help me put her under Toddys duvet cover?' She says. I hesitantly nod trying not to think about the fact that I'm putting my cousin under Toddys bed covers. My cousin is falling asleep in Toddy Smiths bed... I definitely do not want this to ever happen again... I gag at the thought then shake it out of my head remembering our current task.

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