That wasn't me

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Kawaii Chan's POV
"No. I SHOULD GO AFTER ZENNA! IT WAS MY FAULT IN THE FIRST PLACE!" I yelled. Everyone was yelling to go after Zenna. "PLEASE KAWAII CHAN LISTEN! WE WILL GET HER BACK!" Zane placed his hand on my cheek. "We will get her back.... I promise." Zane held me. I wept in his shoulder. "I shouldn't have let Zenna be alone." I whispered in his ear. Then I held him tighter.
"Wait don't we need to know who took Zenna first?" Aphmau asked. "Yes. And it has to be quick." Aaron pulled Lucinda into action. "Aaron you know that I have to have something from this guy right? If you want me to follow him?" Lucinda said. "Then..... Lucinda kun, use Zenna's shoe!" I gave her Zenna's shoe. "This will take a moment"

After 5 minutes...

Zane's POV
This is taking too long... I looked at the door. I will find her. I looked around. Everyone's doing something. Good. I snuck out the door without anyone knowing. It was very dark and foggy. Left of the door was a cloth. Zenna's skirt must have ripped... I started to go in the direction. Avoiding windows. A few moments later I saw it... The Shadow Knights. "GENE!" I yelled. "GENE I KNOW YOU HAVE HER!" I yelled louder. Gene got out of the truck, holding a knife, and smiled. "Oh I don't have her." He said in a soft voice. "He does" Gene pointed in the direction of a shadow. "Zennix?" I said. "Wrong-o" it came closer. "Who are you....... No... Hand me my daughter." I said fiercely.
"Aw.. How nice. A family... With a daughter..... A coward.... With my girl.. A coward.... Who thought I was dead." He came closer.... Holding a knife.... At Zenna's neck. "Hello Zane." Damien then came to a clearing. "No.. Your dead." I said. "You'd really think that I would be stupid enough to just enter a wedding with a wolf inside? Wow..... That wasn't even me hahaha! It was a test. For the poor wolf." Damien chuckled. I didn't like how this was headed. I started to walk up to him but he held the knife closer to Zenna. THWACK! Then... Everything went black. All I can hear... Might be my last..

"Now.... Now that you're here... Nana... Will Be Mine."

Zane Chan, A Roller Coaster RideWhere stories live. Discover now