My creepy little ditty called, 'I was lucky'

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  • Dedicated to Caitlin-Worsey-san

Okay! Hedgewick here with one of my first stories! :D I wrote this in English in year 8 and decided to vamp it up (not literally, vampires=not so cool anymore *cough*Edward*cough*, but The ORIGINAL DRACULA [insert lightning strike] was sehr cool!) a little and see what you thought.

I Was Lucky

I knew I should have hated him for what he took from me, my friends, my brother, yet I could not. If you don't understand then I can't describe it to you. But if you had met a man alike him you will understand, I couldn't hate him, and even with my loved one's blood on his hands I couldn't hate him. My brother's killer, my sacrifice for his salvation. It was worth more. If you have met such a man you are lucky, beyond lucky. I was lucky.

It was cold when it happened, icy with a bite. The fog clawed at our clothes, leaving us damp to the bone. I remember my brother, so young, yet to see his tenth year, shivering beside me as we trudged home, with nought but the midwinter's moon for guidance. His nails dug into my arm as it began to snow. The wind whispered in strange tongues. But if you listened closely, oh so closely, you could hear,

Sow the Salt

Or risk the weeds

Nought shall come

From unplanted seeds

Fear what is coming

Fear not the death

Fear the one who

Destroyed the rest

It sung to us all the way back, but who listens to the wind? Not me, and because of me he is dead. But I don't regret it. Oh never shall I regret it. Never can I regret it.

The orphanage was cold, silent and unwelcoming. Our bare footsteps echoed down the long hall leading to the common room, where the fire awaited us,


The wind continued with its song, the voices of the damned warning us of what was to come. Their tones sent a shiver down my spine as now I listened, yet I couldn't stop, for my feet ignored my protests and my voice my command. We reached the end of the corridor and the smell reached us. The smell of something bloody and foul. Death. My brother froze. I tugged on his arm.

"It's just the common room…" I whispered, my voice barely under my control.

"Don't go in there. No good in there. Not there. Please not there. Bad things in there." He continued to mumble and as I went to open the door, he grabbed my arm, twisting it and making me cry out.

"Don't go in there." He said darkly all manners of childishness lost from his face.

"Stop it you're hurting me!" I cried out my voice echoing like our footsteps.

"Hurting? I wouldn't hurt my sister, my precious sister." He replied his voice not his own. His smile was taunting. He patted my head patronizingly. I stared wild eyed at my brother. The damned continued to warn me. Screaming. Oh how they did scream at me from the shadows and in the empty darkness. Oh how they screamed. Screamed from the depths of the closed room.

"Please let go…" I whispered, begging. He just laughed. A high cold sound that chilled me to the core. I saw the look in his eye, the glint of madness behind the azure. I tried to pull away again but I was weak and he was not. The pain soon became too much. I twisted my hand back uncaring as to whether I broke my arm, I needed to get away. Fast. He growled, a demonic sound that resonated in the empty places in my chest, he slammed a kick to the back of my knee, buckling it and forcing me to my knees.

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2012 ⏰

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