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It has been 5 months since the last message from Jinhwan. Y/N is starting to miss him, more and more everyday.

She would stare into nothing in class occasionally, thinking about what has he been doing over there when she's over here in Seoul, trying to cope up with her studies.

She laid down on her table while waiting for her lecturer to come, as she closed her eyes, reminiscing the wonderful moments they were together.

Then a single drop of tear fell from the corner of her eyecore as she muttered,

"Bogosipda (I miss him)"


Another lonely day had passed without him by her side, Y/N thought to herself as she slowly made her way out of her university, strode slowly to her rented apartment just a few metres away from her university.

Is she overthinking?

She thought she heard footsteps behind her but when she turned around, there was nobody!

It was past evening and the sky had started to become dark.

It was a very safe neighbourhood but still she felt scared thinking that someone may be shadowing her.

What's more, she lived alone!

When she thought further, she got even more scared as she started to run. Then she felt the anonymous person was running faster too!

Along the way, she quickly rummaged through her bag to look for her house keys so that she can unlock her door immediately, shutting herself away from the stranger.

However she was too late! Just when she got inside her house and tried to close the door, she felt someone pushing against the door!

"Yah! Leave now or I'll call the police!" She shouted while she and the stranger were playing a tug-or-war against the door.

"Could you bear to see me getting caught by the police, jagi?"

That voice! Y/N immediately stopped fighting back as she slowly opened the door and met eyes with his.

That voice! Y/N immediately stopped fighting back as she slowly opened the door and met eyes with his

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He was laughing away as he teased her about how scared she had been!

On the other hand, she wasn't laughing at all. Instead, she broke down and cried her heart out. Then she lunged herself into his embrace.

"Pabo! I missed you so bad!" She tightened her hug for her lover boy as she sniffled.

"Pabo yeoja-chingu~ Now hush, for I'm here with you~" He patted her head as he rested his chin on her head. Still with Y/N cuddled in his embrace, he slowly closed the door and led the both of them to the sofa.

He ran his hand through her silky hair, and noticed how long they had grown. So that's how long they haven't met, he is just too busy with his schedules that he didn't noticed that it had been this long! That explains her longings for him.

"Yah jagi~" His call made her look up to him but without breaking off her cuddle.

She looked so cute, just like a puppy. Makes me wanna love her more.

She awaited for his answer but he smiled instead. Then he bent down and gave her a peck on her forehead.

Then he moved on to kiss her lips lightly before she started to kiss back.

Their kiss soon turn out to be a passionate one and after a good few minutes, they finally broke apart as they gasped for air.

He reached for her hand and intertwined their fingers. He raised her hand to his lips and he kissed them.

"I promise to come back as soon as possible okay? After iKON's promotion ended and all. It won't be long so trust me."

She smiled as she nodded her head.

He cuddled her again as he told him all about the happenings in Japan while she enjoyed the moments of laying on his chest as she listened to all of his stories.

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