Chapter 13: Weetos

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Heya! Sorry for the longer wait for this one, I wanted to make sure that it was all written out well and it was interesting and long enough, so that's why I decided against posting this chapter a few days ago because I wanted to edit it and improve it too.

Thank you for always sticking by my side, and also thank you for the 950+ votes, and nearly 60K reads! LOVE YOU GUYSSSS <3




My brain ticked along slowly as I felt myself starting to wake up from my deep sleep. I kept my eyes closed though, wishing that I could just fall asleep again, as it was so relaxing, and I was just plain lazy. I felt myself drifting off again until I was stopped by a solid object colliding with my face! My eyes shot open immediately and a searing pain ran through my nose - it felt hot and I could feel the blood throbbing under my skin. Quickly my eyes whipped around to see what hit me, and they landed on a scruffy-looking, fast asleep Finn. I yawned and rubbed my eyes, being careful not to touch my nose as it was hurting a bit more now, and looked again. Why was Finn- oh yeah.

I looked to my other side to see Jack in deep slumber, his mouth open and his eyes twitching ever so slightly. I had to stifle a giggle as to not wake either of them up, because I could hear the occasional snore erupting from Jack's throat.

Carefully, I manoeuvred myself out of the sea of blankets and legs and stood up, stretching my arms out. The sun peeked through the gaps in the blinds by the window, creating pillars of light on the ground. It was a perfect photo opportunity, as there was rays of light shining across both of the twins that were strewn across the large sofa-bed.

I took the picture with my phone, uploading it to Twitter and Instagram, with the caption:

@macygreenbean: majestical light fairies are at it again @jacksgap @finnharries #imcool #notreally


I made my way to the kitchen, grabbing a bowl and a box of cereal from the cupboard when I got there. I reached into the fridge for the milk and sighed when I saw that I didn't have any. Nevermind. I'll just have it without milk.

I sat there on the kitchen counter, my legs dangling off the sides as I crunched on my dry Weetos. Hearing a shuffling noise coming from the doorway, I looked up to see a sleepy Jack rubbing his eyes.

"Morning, hun." I said with a mouthful of food. He looked up and half smiled as he made his way over.

"I forgot how uncomfortable it was to sleep in jeans." He grumbled. "Could I have some food?"

I nodded. "Sure, I've got cereal, but no milk, and I think there's bread in the cupboard if you want toast." I said sleepily. He gave a small nod and turned to the same place I had been not long ago to get a bowl and cereal. He made himself a bowl and leant against the kitchen counter beside me.

"So yeah, thanks, and the party is tonight I think." He said casually, glancing over to the clock on the wall. I looked too.

3:10pm. Whoops.

"Where is it?" I scraped my spoon against the bottom of the bowl, scooping up the cereal dust and shovelling it into my mouth.

"Some place in London, so it won't take you long to get there. I guess Finn and I can make our way back to our house later on. D'ya want us to come by to pick you up?"

I smiled and nodded, hopping off the counter and washing up my bowl. I turned quickly and made a face at Jack before heading to my room to get ready for the day.


When I got upstairs, I pulled off my socks and threw them in the washing hamper, then slipped my phone from my pocket and put it on charge beside my bed, and eventually went to my bathroom, bringing a change of clothes with me - a pair of jogging bottoms and an old t-shirt. I went to the loo, and silently thanked Mother Nature that it wasn't my time of the month. Soon after, I hopped in the shower, washing off any dirt that may be on me, using up the remnants of an old body wash that I got for Christmas when I was about 17. I didn't bother washing my hair, because I had done the night before, so just left it as day old hair.


Around 20 minutes later I was back downstairs, in comfortable clothes and my hair pulled back into a plain ponytail. Finn was finally up and making himself toast in the kitchen, and Jack and I were back in the living room, sat on the sofa.

"So this party." I spoke up.

"Yeah, you still wanna go?" Jack asked, turning his body to face me.

"I think so, but what should I wear? I mean, I haven't seen anyone apart from like 5 or 6 people in eight months, I have to make some kind of good impression." I said, flustered.

"Hey, hey it's alright. It's not formal, you don't have to dress up! It's okay, calm down girl!" He said and placed his hands on my shoulders. I sighed and looked up from my hands at him. "Finn and I can come dressed as giant bananas if you'd like?"

I laughed at that thought, glad that he was there to keep my mind off things and keep me calm. I shook my head. "No it's okay, I'm sure I'll find something, I can't be bothered to go shopping."

"And I don't particularly want to come dressed as a banana, thanks." Finn said from the kitchen doorway. I looked up and just smirked at seeing him mid-yawn.

"Evening, Finnegan the twinnegan." Jack said in a slightly creepy voice, causing all of us to crack into laughter.

"D'ya wanna help me pick?" I asked them both at the same time. They nodded and followed me up the stairs, a few steps behind. I pulled open my wardrobe door and started to empty it of potential clothing choices. Immediately Jack dived into the piles of clothes on my bed, rolling about in them like a kid. Finn and I looked at each other with knowing glances, silently agreeing that Jack was ever so slightly crazy.

"Well," Finn said, surveying the pile. "I like this." He said, yanking out a dark purple skirt. I nodded in agreement and walked over too.

Eventually we picked out an outfit together, along with some accessories and a pair of shoes to go with it.


"Thanks, guys." I said from the bottom of the stairs.

Finn looked up from lacing up his shoes. "No problem! It was fun to spend the night, actually."

I leapt off the bottom step and walked over to them, hugging Finn first. I had to go on my tiptoes, but I managed to rest my chin on his shoulder briefly. We pulled away, and I went to hug Jack next. Before I could even reach out my arms, he tackled me and we nearly fell to the floor. My arms were trapped by my sides, and my head was pressed against his shoulder, slightly squished by his arm.

He let me go ever so slightly so I had enough room to move my arms to snake around his back. I twisted my neck so my cheek was resting on his chest, his heartbeat loud by my ear. A few moments later we separated, and I waved goodbye to them as they walked down the road and up to their car. I watched it drive off, knowing that I had made the right decision to post that video and talk to everyone again.


Hopefully you guys like it! I should be updating soon, but if we can get this up to 975 votes I'll update when it does? Because I can start writing up the next chapter right away c:

Love ya!


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