💥Chapter 7: Let's get Educational💥

Start from the beginning

"Now. First things first. I am Ms.Earin. Not Ms. E, not Ms. Rin, Ms. Ear-in."

The class looked at their teacher with blank stares.

"I don't care about your names at the moment so before we get started with the lesson any smart questions?" She asked.

Capricorn slowly raised his hand.

"What?" She asked him.

"Are you related to the headmaster?"
Capricorn asks.

"I'm his cousin."

The Earth elementalist nodded their head releasing short 'Ohhh's of realization.

"Okay, no more questions lets get on with the lesson. Earth elementalist tend to be two main things dependable and trustworthy. However, those qualities tend to be found in hero elementalist not villains. Because, really, who ever learned about a dependable, trustworthy villian, no one, that's who. Now open the book that's under each of your chairs."

Water (Pisces, Scorpio, Cancer)

Scorpio took a seat between two girls. One was a hero the other was a villain.

Pisces and Cancer walked into the room just after the late bell rung. The teacher, a gray haired, seemingly 50 year old man pointed to the 2 front center chairs.

"Great. I hate the front." Cancer sighed.

"If you didn't eat that extra stack of pancakes we wouldn't be here." Pisces informed her.

"They were surprisingly good, if I had a chance I'd do it again." Cancer declared taking a seat.

"Listen up for your name. Henry Kilop."


"Jikkia Nighava."

"H-Here." The hero girl besides Scorpio stutters.

The class laughed, mostly the villain students at the strange name.

Scorpio rolled his eyes.

The teacher continued with the attendance

The class marking the majority of the class present.

"Okay todays lesson is just a basic overview of the traits of most water elementalist that make them well them. Water elementalist tend to be emotionally sensitive, not only that they are highly aware of others emotions. They also have huge imaginations, and in the most part are implusive rather than logical."

"Okay I don't know about the emotionally sensitive and aware part but the rest is pretty spot on." Cancer nods.

Pisces nods. He could to relate to all parts of the description which worried him. Are villains suppose to be emotionally sensitive?

He rolled his eyes. He blames his parents.

You see, Pisces has a secret he hasn't told anyone and who knows if he'll ever tell.

Air (Libra, Gemini and Aquarius)

"Air elementalist are intellectual people which makes for both good heroes and good villians. They are also good analyst when it comes to a problem standing in their way. The problem that occur from being an air elementalist however, is that they are not intune with their emotions."

Libra and Gemini wasn't paying much attention. Instead they were texting eachother underneath their desk talking about how boring the class was. They were only 15 minutes in.

Aquarius on the other hand was taking notes.

'●Not intune with emotions...'

That didn't seem like a good trait for a hero. So she adds to her notes.

Zodiac Adventures: The School for Heroes and VillainsWhere stories live. Discover now