The End: Final Showdown

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The crew have spent much time relaxing. Other than immense heat, they had enough to eat and were not in need of too many resources. Everyone was lounging around, Webber and Wendy digging out a watermelon to make a hat. Nearby, Wolfgang, Wigfrid, and Wickerbottom were having a conversation about bird calls. 

Wickerbottom: No, no, Wolfgang, the Cardinalis cardinalis' call is much higher than that.

Wolfgang: ...*instert throaty tweet*

Wigfrid starts laughing but they all scream when a Tallbird shows up and stands on top of Wolfgang. It looks...happy? With a letter in its beak?...Help?

Wolfgang: uegghh..

Wickerbottom: See here, feathered beast. *Reaches out for letter*

Tallbird: *squawks, angry at her*

Wigfrid: *clear throat* If I may, mediocre librarian...*throaty tweet*


Wigfrid: Let's try this again...*stabs Tallbird with her spear*

Wickerbottom: Oh.

Back with the squad...

Wilson: At least there's only one? *He opens the letter*

Thank you for participating in all this hilarious chaos! We hope you've embarrassed, humiliated, and hurt yourself! Or have fun that's cool too. These last few requests will be the last. Until next time.

Wilson:...Guess we should get started.

Wolfgang: *raises hand* Wolfgang mostly felt hurt!


Any Secret feeling you want to confess to a certain spiderboy? *wink wink* *Cough* Webber *Cough*

(NOTE from author: isaynomoredoyouliekquestionholy- *BEEP, experiencing technical difficulties, and now back to our program)

Wendy: First of all, I think you're in need of a cough drop. Second...not really. I know Webber, likes me.

Wes: *makes heart with hands then shrugs*

Wendy: Sure, he's good company. *mumbles*Kind of cute and fluffy...Too bad our affections will all go to waste when we're dead.

Webber: That's okay! At least they were given while we were still alive! *hug*

Willow: Aw, that's not weird at all. ^_^


Willow: It's called sarcasm. For a robot, I thought you would have been smart enough to figure that out by now.

Wigfrid: OH, as they say, BURN!


Woodie: All right, keep it together, eh? The quicker the better. d

Panned_Cake Hey William, what was it like when you first fell into what you created? How was it living with Wilson? (William Carter Puzzles are evidence so this was cannon)

Maxwell: *Sarcastically* Oh, goodie. I love remembering my past life.

Charlie: Past life? Please, you're still alive, aren't you?

Maxwell: *Shrugs and takes her hand while thinking about his response.* As the cowardly and feeble William Carter-

Charlie: Don't forget spineless.

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