Second stage - Beach time

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     Two days later, the first stage of the beauty contest ended. The jury publish the results and of course I'm in the second stage... But why beach? It's a bit embarrassing, but I must win. My friend asked:

- Say, y/n. Did you pick your bikini?

I answered:

- Not yet...

She panicked saying:

- WHAAATT?! You must hurry because the second stage is starting tomorrow. And... You'll see the princes in their swim suits.

I blushed on her comment, but somehow I imagined them smiling. Then I finally found my bikini. I'm so exited for tomorrow.

~ Time skip ~

So, here I'm. The second stage, the beach. I walked there and I noticed that Misako is here too. I wonder why is she still here. Does she have no shame after all she did? I bet she's plotting something else. Well the fun is about to begin.


I hope you like it...

Next chapter is coming soon... ^^

Snow White & the Seven Princes (Yu-Gi-Oh)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora