Dabi x Reader [Conflicted]

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Dabi x Reader: Conflicted

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This was a request whoop whoop.
Quirk: Water manipulation


Heroism took on many forms.

Being a hero meant that you could resolve any issue.


Not all fighting proved to be a heroic act.

Fighting could be out of cowardice or fear.

Misconceptions of what's right and wrong cloud our minds and lead us to taking action that we may soon regret.

You had a weird dream. You were fighting a villain but instead of connecting his fist to your face, he hugged you.

You woke up in a cold sweat. The same as every other night. This dream haunted you.

All villains are bad. Right? This was something you've forced into your head when you first entered Yuuei all those years ago.

You were now a full fledged hero named Aquarius (couldn't think of anything else lol) As the name implied, your quirk was water based and you could control nearby water. Since water was literally everywhere, you were a well known and powerful hero. You've never quivered at the face of a villain but recently, you've felt strange due to the dreams.

You rolled out of bed and trudged to the kitchen where you made a quick bowl of cereal. You sat on your couch and looked for the remote. It was right next to the tv but you were too comfortable to move so, you lifted an arm and lifted the water from a vase. You manipulated the shape into a hand and grabbed the remote, bringing it to you.

You liked this about your quirk. You could use it to kick ass and for tedious things you wouldn't want to do yourself.

You put on the news and munched on the sugary cereal.

"... In recent news we have a group of villains on hot pursuit near Orudera junior high..." Said the news reporter. (Props to you if you know the ref)

That's close! You thought.

You leaped from the couch and suited up in your hero gear.

You jumped from your balcony and manipulated water from the air into a makeshift board. This proved useful for transportation. On your costume, you had capsules of water which you used in case you needed a quick batch.

You rode to the junior high and spotted police vehicles chasing a truck. Inside were multiple villains and they drove recklessly to throw off the chase.

You scanned the scene, the truck was headed straight for a car. Whether this was intentional or not was unclear but the collision caused the truck to flip on its back. The persons inside scattered in different directions. You clicked your tongue and decided to follow one down an alley.

You landed yourself on a rooftop and looked below, a dark figure huffed as he made his way through the alley. Unfortunately for him, it was a dead end so he decided to wait it out and hide behind a trash can.

You chuckled and hopped off the rooftop, landing directly next to him.

Things moved in slow motion, you lifted your arm ready to apprehend him and you saw his face.

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