"That's them." The Chief explained. "When we ran their names in the database, we couldn't find any records of previous offences. They're both clean."

"How? They look like they're on drugs," I said flatly. They had to have gotten caught for something.

Lyle yawned through his words, "Tell her what you think is going on, Chief."

The Chief let out a long sigh, "We hired Lyle here to go undercover as a student at your school because we think whoever killed Levi is coming after you."



"After Levi's death, I had a few of my guys go on patrol, watching you primarily. A few of the officers reported seeing some suspicious person, dressed in black. It got us thinking that whoever killed Levi is after you too so that's when we got Lyle to go undercover. We were about to call off the operation when this happened."

My stomach tightened. None of this made sense. "So what, this suspicious person was on hiatus until recently?" I huffed. "Yea right."

No wonder Levi's murder hasn't been solved....

Their a bunch of bloody idiots.

Lyle interrupted, "This person is watching you around town but has never come anywhere near the school."

"Until now," I snapped, "And there's not just one, but two of them."

While they fail to do their job in solving Levi's murder, a posy is slowly increasing in size and they want me dead.

"We're doing the best we can Maisie with what we know." The chief's voice was gentle.

I closed my eyes and rubbed the back of my neck. "What if I talk to them?"

The Chief raised a brow, "Talk to who?"

"My attackers," I gritted out.

"That's not a good idea, Maisie." Lyle says.

"I think they'll talk to me," I explained. After all, they did say a few things during the attack so why wouldn't they?

They know about Levi.

They know that he's dead and I know their responsible.

"You're not talking to them," Boss Man agreed with Lyle.

I open my mouth to object, "Not like you two have a better plan."

"Actually I do," Lyle straightened in his seat, and then let his arms fall to his sides.

Gone Too Soon (Police Officer/Delinquent Relationship) BOOK 2حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن