Kyle x Reader - Someday

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(Kyle's POV)


"Tag! You're it Stan!" I turn to run, only to stop a second later when I noticed he wasn't chasing me.

"Uh Stan, the whole point of tag is to, you know, tag someone." He rolls his eyes and points to the house across the street.

"Someone's moving in next door!" Turning my head in the same direction, a girl with beautiful (h/l) (h/c) hair comes into view. She notices our staring, smiles, and waves. For a second I stop breathing and I look away, towards Stan. I can tell by the look in his eyes, he had the same thought I did.

""Dibs! What?! No! I saw her first! Stop copying me!" Our parrot act ended with crossed arms and glares being shot at each other. Breaking only when I sigh.

"Look, we shouldn't fight over a girl. So, who ever she chooses, no hard feelings?" He grips my outstretched hand and shakes.

"No hard feelings."

(End of Flashback)

I shake the memory from my mind, putting my full attention​ back on same beautiful girl I first saw years ago.

"I'm sorry, what did you say?" She giggles, sending butterflies to my stomach.

"Zoning out as usual? I said, Stan and I are having a party at my house tonight. You'll come won't you?" Rolling my eyes at her light-hearted teasing, I finish placing my things in my locker and sigh.

"I don't know (y/n), parties aren't really my thing."

'Watching Stan try to get into your pants isn't really that plesent either.' Her lips form a pout.

"I know, but there won't be a lot of people there, just close friends, like it used to be! And it wouldn't be any fun if my best friend isn't there!" I sigh again at her puppy dog eyes and give in.

"Alright, what time should I be there?" Her surprise and excitement​ isn't even attempted to be covered.

"Really?! Oh, um, the party starts at 7:00 but you can come over whenever. My parents won't be home so it probably won't end until late." She grins and I swear my heart skips a beat.

"Okay. See you tonight then."

"See you tonight!" I watch as she walks to her next class as the bell rings.

'Ughh, History. The one class I don't have with her.'

(Time Skip)

I push my now wavy, red, hair to the left, then back to the right a few more times. Groaning at my reflection in the rearview mirror of my car, finally decided my stubborn hair isn't going to look any better, I step out and make my way to (y/n)'s front door. The most annoying, loud, pop music was blaring, and I almost retreat back to my car as some girl I didn't know opens the door. She looks me up and down then scoffs, moving aside to let me in.

"Who wears 'that' to a party? Nerd." I tug at the collar to my button down and chuckle awkwardly as she walks away. Looking around at the sea of people around me, I begin to turn to run out of the house, when a shout of my name stops me.

"Kyle! You finally made it! I've been waiting for you all night!" (Y/n) has no choice but to yell to be heard over the music, I smile and call back.

"I said I would come didn't I?!" She gives me a puzzled look.

"What?!" I reply a bit louder, yet she still can't hear me. When I go to try again she shakes her head and grabs my hand, leading me into the kitchen. She closes the door, affectively quieting the noise to a hum.

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