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Sunni's PoV

"Appa, I can't just marry someone because his father is rich. I don't love him." I grabbed my father's hands as I spoke, staring into his eyes so he would understand clearly. "I'm an adult, I can make this decision for myself. Besides, it's 2013! I can make money as a woman, arasso?"

"Sweetie, you know that if we had another option, I would take it. But, it's the only way to make enough money. Your eomma can't work anymore, and neither can I. It's the only way." Towards the end of his lecture, I tuned him out. I focused on the tv in front of me. 

Suddenly, an ad came on for Bighit entertainment. Never heard of them.

It showed young boys performing, and even clips of GLAM. I didn't know GLAM was from Bighit! I have an idea...

"Appa, what if I had a way?" He looked at me curiously.

"What is it?"

"You're not gonna like it..."


"I'm gonna go away for a while, and you won't hear from me. I'll be gone, but I'll come back in 6 months or so. I'll come by for a week, then I'll be gone again. It may take years, but once I start making real money, I'll send it your way. And trust me, I'll make lots of money for you, Appa." Tears prickled in my eyes, but I didn't let them fall.

"Are you sure you want to do something that would keep you from family for so long?"

"Yes" He shook his head. 

"I won't allow it. You're still my daughter, and I love you, Sunni. We'll find a way. I'll get a job." He slid off the couch onto his wheelchair and started making his way to the laptop on the counter. 

"Appa you can't work anymore. The military said you were too injured after the Korean War..."

"That was in the fifties, darling. I'll be fine!" He snapped, and the tears forming in my eyes fell ever so slightly.

I ran to my room and locked myself inside before packing a bag. I won't let him do this to himself. They said auditions are any time from 8am to 5pm. I still have 3 more hours.

Big Hit Entertainment, here I come.


lol this book will have short chapters 

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