Soft Spot

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Toby's POV
Broken and Bent. Cracked and shattered. These words describe me everyday. I can't even comprehend what's happening right now. All I see is fire, I can't feel anything, never have... never will. I think it's supposed to be hot, or I'm supposed to be in pain? I don't really know. I regret doing what I did, I shouldn't have killed him. Now look where I am, I'm about to die in a ring of smoldering flames. I closed my eyes and inhaled the smoke and ashes. I coughed harshly, another bad habit of mine. My Tourette's is going crazy, my mind isn't straight. I'm ready to get out of this hell hole. I'm ready for death, I accept it. I opened my eyes when I heard a static voice fill my head, it came over all the other voices.
"Tobias, it isn't your time yet. I know you're broken, but I can make you happy again. Please come with me." The voice boomed through my head. I sighed.
"When you got nothing, you've got nothing to lose." I said aloud. I weakly stood up and hugged myself, I didn't even blink as my eyes went wide. I followed the mysterious creature into the forest. He had no face, and was very tall. I was just as pale as him, almost. He wore a black suit with a red tie. I don't care what he does to me, I've got nothing. He put a hand on my shoulder, I leaned on his body as we walked. He didn't move or anything, it felt like I was is son. We walked for about 3 hours until we reached a large mansion like building.
"This will be your new home Tobias. You'll be safe here." The tall man said. I looked up at him with sad eyes. I wanted to cry... but I didn't.
"Tobias, I promise that the people here, and me, will love you like family." The man said. I nodded and we walked to the door. I stuffed my face into his back legs. He chuckled and walked in slowly. I didn't move from my spot, I was nervous and scared.
"Come along Toby, you will be ok. Everything will be fine." The man said. I walked in shakily, my ticking was still going crazy from the previous events. I shuffled to the man, he put his hand over my shoulders and we walked together into a room. It looked like a living room, with a couch, TV and a large coffee table in the middle. I looked up to see different people and creatures sitting on either the couch or the floor. My shaking started again, and my hyperventilating. Oh no... I'm gonna go into a panic attack.
'Breathe Toby. Just breathe. You'll be ok. You'll be ok!" I said in my head.
"Calm down Toby. You're right, you will be ok!" The man said with a comforting voice. I hugged his legs tightly, still trying to calm down. He kneeled down and gave me a big hug. I cuddled into his neck.
"How bout we get you cleaned up and you can get some rest, before you meet the others, ok?" The faceless man asked. I nodded.
"You can call me Slender, or Slendy, if you'd like." The man said. I nodded again. He picked me up and teleported me to a room, that looked to be a bed room. He showed me where the shower was, and gave me a large black sweatshirt and some oversized boxers. I quietly thanked him, and I went to take a shower.
Jeff's POV
Everyone was called to the living room... FOR NO FUCKING REASON!!! Slender was gone for more than 4 hours, so we knew that we were getting a new member. I hope he's cool and can fight like a bad ass. The whole group talked about what we thought the new comer was going to look like, and act like. He was nothing like how we thought though. He looked real young, and was as small as BEN! He had blood all over him, and a nasty scar on his left cheek. He looked scared, or worried. He was hyperventilating and twitching? He made the most annoying ass sounds ever! Uggghhh... he's gonna be a pain in the ass. He cracked his neck, and his bones popped. He was shaking, and he hugged Slender! And Slender didn't push him away! HE HUGS HIM BACK!!! He would never do anything like that. Slender teleported him to his room to get settled before he met us.
-Le time skip ┌|°з°|┘-
It was dinner time now and everyone was in the dining room, except for the new guy and Slendy. As if on cue, Slender and the kid came in through the doors. The kid was holding Slendy's hand. He looked much cleaner and wore a way over sized sweatshirt. It almost went to his knees. He had large bags under his eyes. He sat next to Slender, and didn't talk. We all talked and ate happily, except for the new kid. He was silent while he ate slowly.
"Ahem... children. This is my newest proxy, TicciToby, but please just calm him Toby." Slender said. Toby flinched at the name Ticci Toby. Everyone said hi, and went back to eating.
When dinner was over, everyone was done eating, except Toby, he ate one thing at a time. Slender seemed ok with it though. I was kinda surprised that Slender was so kind to Toby. I'll ask him later. Toby finally finished his food and everyone was in the living room watching a movie. Toby walked into the room, and appeared to be looking for something.
"Hey kid! Looking for something?" I asked, he flinched.
"U-umm... a-a p-picture. I-it's a-a l-little burned I-in t-the corner." He described while stuttering. Masky paused the movie and got up.
"Well, come on guys. Lets help look." Masky said as he walked over to Toby. Everyone started looking around. These people are stupid, their helping a kid find a freakin picture! We could be watching the movie... but no.
"Found it!" Jane yelled. Toby went running and snatched it from her hands. He hugged her tightly and quickly than said thank you. He went running up the stairs, but ended up tumbling back down.
"S-sorry. I-I'm o-o-okay. J-just had a-a l-l-leg spasm." He explained than walked back up the stairs.
"He's weird." BEN said as he un paused the movie.
"Slender acts so nice with him. I don't understand." I said rudely.
"Go ask him, maybe he'll tell you what happened to him." Masky said as he stuffed his face with popcorn.
I nodded and got up. I walked to Slender's office and knocked on the door. The doors were swung open and I walked in and sat down.
"What do you need Jeff?" Slender asked.
"I wanted to know Toby's past please." I said pleadingly.
"Are you sure?" Slender asked.
I nodded. He put a hand on my head and I was sent into a flashback, but of Toby's life.
I watched I horror as he got beaten, whipped, raped. He lost his sister, and cuts himself. He chews on his hands, and got bullied so bad. They slammed his head against the lockers Until there was blood flowing out of his head. He was depressed, and had so many disorders! I felt so bad. Everyone's past was terrible, but this was 100x worse! I walked out of Slender's office and into the living room.
"What'd he tell you?" Masky asked.
"I'm telling you right now: if you thought your past was bad, take a look at his. Oh my god! I can't believe someone would do all those things to him!" I said dramatically. A sudden wave of protection washed over me.
"If anyone is ever mean to him... I swear, I will cut their head off and smash it until it's just blood and flesh." I said.
"He would have pleaded to have one of our pasts, that's how bad it was." I walked upstairs and into my room, only to find another bed in there too, and a Toby sitting on the window sill looking at the picture he was looking at earlier. He was mumbling stuff under his breath, I couldn't quite make it out.
I'll protect him with all of my strength. No one will ever hurt him ever again. I'll make sure if that.

Soft Spot (TicciTobyxJeffTheKiller)Where stories live. Discover now