Hazel & the Wolf

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We had to go home now and me and Harry were all sweaty like a pack of hyenas laughing to hard. omg! I was now wearing a pair of black short shorts and a black sports bra and black high top converse. We got to our bikes and started the engines. Yay time to go home. I think I already said that but who cares I really want to get home because I really need a shower because I'm all sticky and sweaty and eww.

I was about to hop on my bike to wait for Harry who was at his locker but somebody grabbed my wrist and spun me around. I didn't get to see who it was because they started kissing me and pushed me into the schools brick wall. I pushed him off of me and saw Dustin's perfect face but he was all tired out and sweaty like me. I started to kiss him and he resumed kissing me. He started making the kiss heated.

(Duston's on the cover of the book)

He licked my bottom lip and I denied to let him in. He got frustrated and pushed his body into mine a little harder so that I was squished between him and the brick wall. He then pushed his 'area' into my crotch and moved his hips around a little bit and I moaned so he took that opportunity to dart his tongue in my mouth to explore. I moaned again when our tongues brushed against each other when I started fighting for dominance. Of course he won.

My arms linked around his neck and my hands tangled themselves in his dirty blonde hair as his hands went around my bare waist and held on tight. "Hey you two enough of that and let's go." Harry said with the rest of our gang behind him as Dustin jumped because of Harry scaring him. Harry hopped on his motorcycle as I hoped on mine and The rest of the gang jumped on their motorcycles. We turned out of the schools parking lot and onto the road. It takes 17 minutes to get back to our flat.

Me and Harry rode side by side and Harry invited Ashton over since they became close friends. Ashton was behind Harry and Kara was behind me and Veronica was riding with me because she rode with her brother to get to school.

We got home and me and Veronica raced up to the house with the other guys following us. "Welcome home Hazel!" our butler said to me excitedly. I tell him all the time to call me Hazel instead of Miss. Styles because I'd rather use my first name then my last name. "Hi Veronica, it's nice to have you over again!" he said to Veronica. "Hi, Tyler!" we said to him and have him a hug. He is only 24 but he is awesome.

Kara, Zayn, Rory, Liam, Elizabeth, Niall, Michael, Lacey, Harry, Dustin, and Ashton came racing up to the flat and Tyler greeted them. Me and the girls raced inside and ran upstairs to play music and then ran back down the stairs wearing scary costumes and spread out everywhere to scare them when they come in. 👻We played music in mine and Harry's room to make them think that we were up there.🎶

We were all wearing masks to make them scream. (Don't take that the wrong way like I did.)

We heard the door open and they came in and went upstairs to go check on us. "Harry the girls aren't up here." I heard Niall scream. I controlled my breathing when Harry went past because he has super good hearing. I was in a walk in closet hiding in the corner where clothes were covering me. "OMG not again!" I heard Liam say. "Yay again!" I heard Louis yell and I let out a little chuckle. You could be in the worst mood ever and just one smile from Louis can make your whole day better.

That's why I go to Louis when I am upset and mad because his power as a wolf is to make you happy no matter what mood you are in. I can also trust him with secrets that my brother doesn't even know. Louis is always happy and cheerful even if you wake him up at 3:00am in the morning. The only thing you can't trust him with is cooking. He will have to be put under high supervision if you ever let him cook. (Hehe. That totally sounds like me! Hehe.😉)

Me and my brother are the ones that always cook, unless you count Elizabeth and Rory, now those girls can cook. Lacey can cook also, she just chooses not to cook because she doesn't really get into that kinda stuff.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHH AHHHHH OMG GET IT AWAY FROM ME! OH MY FUCKING GOD AHHHH- oh it's you." I heard I think Zayn scream like a girl. I heard the rest of the boys laughing and then one of them start snorting? Seriously snorting? Wow. They have some strange pig and hyena laughing and snorting problems. They are perfectly normal, oh just perfectly normal. Like fuzzy squirrels! Hehe and I call them not normal! Sometimes I should start worrying about myself instead of them.

I heard the door open and I immediately stopped my breathing and held it in. I saw a beautiful tan wolf walk in and just stand there. If I was alive I would've probably die from how beautiful the wolf was. I gasped and stood up. I walked over to the wolf slowly and admired him. In its presence I could sense that he is a male. "Wow" I breathed out as a whisper as my eyes took in its perfect appearance. He looked me directly in the eyes, he had sparkling electric blue eyes. When I saw the colour of his eyes I was shocked and stunned by their beauty. 🐾

He started to glow and stand up on his hind legs and his form took the shape of a human and I gasped because I was shocked from who it was..............


Who do you think the wolf is?

Big mystery!

Scooby-Dooby-Doo, Where Are You? We got some work to do now.

Scooby-Dooby-Doo, Where Are You? We need some help from you now.

😜Hehe I'm so awkward sometimes! Maybe I should've never ate the chocolate! Hehe!😛

See ya! I might update another chapter! kk!

The Trouble Twinzजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें