The babies of the competition

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This is what Hye-jin/hwasa and hoseok look like and are wearing during the train and the choosing and just imagine that Hwasa has red-orange hair.
Chapter two:

Me and Hye-Jin are terrified. She looks so small, only ten years old at most. I couldn't help but feel like she needs protection and care like my own sister.

As they were leading us off into the station where the trains were, I couldn't help but look around in awe at all the new things I was seeing for the first time.

Yes I know that I'm now in this death competition where I will most certainly be the underdog and die, but I can't help but feel glad that Meiwoo wasn't taken.

Right as I feel like we are about to board these super trains, they pull me and Hye-Jin into this little prison call box thing. They ask me to sit while Hye-Jin goes into another side where we are separated by some soundproof glass.

I'm slowly dragging myself into my mind with dark thoughts of how the hell I'm supposed to make it out of this death trap when I'm suddenly rammed into by a small and soft object.

It's Meiwoo.

"Meiwoo! Oh my goodness thank god you're okay! Did they treat you fine, are you hurt?!" I scramble around her, looking for any possible injuries that could've been caused by the guards.

She smiles brightly at me even though there are tears cascading down her face at a rapid pace. She shakes her head at me while grinning, "Hobi, I'm okay. I'm worried about you! Do you even know how to survive in the kind of conditions that we saw!?"

I laugh lightly at her worry, thankful that she's worried at all. "Woonie, it's going to be alright. You know that each year it's different, but I really need you to listen to me right now." She locks her attention on to me quickly.

"Dad is still sick. I need you to listen to him and try to find a job that will take you in as an apprentice. Something that will help you." She nods frantically taking in every word I'm saying. I give her one last tight hug before the guards pull her away again.

I can't help but feel every bit of emotion that is pouring from her as she kicks and screams to get back to me. I whisper on last 'I love you' and 'be safe' to her.

Dad came up to me after she was taken out, smiling at me with sadness falling out of every corner of his aged face. "My son. My very special, kind, wonderful son." I can't help but smile more at his words. "Take that smile that lights up so many peoples' world, and light up that arena with happiness. When things go really bad, remind yourself that you are so loved. We are all counting on you and your skills." He grabs me in a weak, but loving hug. He leans towards my ear, whispering,

"Hoseok, you can do this."

I smile so wide at him, thanking him over and over. I whisper my last 'I love you' and 'stay well' to him as he hobbled away.

I look over to Hye-jin's side of the glass to she her hugging a women a few years older with tears running down her face. She lets the women go with pain written all across her face, plain as day. She looks over to my side of the glass and I give her a light smile, mouthing the words, 'you can do it, I'll protect you too.' She smiles back at me.

As they clear off the room connecting the glass areas, saluting the families off.  I was pushed back into the connecting room with Hye-Jin right next to me.

I grab onto Hye-Jin by the shoulder, sheltering her from the harsh grabbing of the guards. We walk back out of the rooms, straight onto the train platform again with Hyuna meeting us there. As she sees us together she coos, "awe, look at you two! Just like siblings!"

Hye-Jin looks a bit doubtful as she is told that sentence, and honestly I am a bit too. I don't want to think that I have to replace my sister with another, but so far Hye-Jin is keeping me sane for the most part.

We get into the train with Hyuna pushing both of us into a room with multiple chairs and a few tables.
"Alright people! It's time to meet your trainer!" She says with so much enthusiasm in her perky voice.

Another man comes into the frame, introducing himself as Ravi. The man had a stocky frame and was quite tall, at least compared to me. He had dark red hair that was cut short and sharp deep brown eyes placed deeply into his skull.

"This!" Hyuna starts, "Is Ravi of district 12. He won three years ago by a default." Ravi gives her a pointed look while Hyuna adverts her attention back to us.

"And he's going to train you two!"

He looks at me and Hye-Jin with gentle smiles and breathes deeply. "Well, I don't know you, so why don't you introduce yourselves?"

I softly smile at his attempt at humor, despite the situation at hand. I start to stand and gently bring my fingers up to pry Hye-jin's hands off my upper arm while I stand up.

I waved my hand up to say hello while opening my mouth to speak, "h-hi! I'm Jung Hoseok. I'm 15 and have a younger sister named Meiwoo who is 9." Then I took a deep sigh, "and now... I'm the male champion of district 12." I gave a lopsided smile towards Hyuna and Ravi.

I say back down as Hye-Jin stood up and looked at Ravi, as he was the only one who didn't know our names. "I'm Hye-Jin but you can call me Hwasa. I'm 10 years old and have no siblings." She looked back at me slowly, "and now I'm also the female champion of district 12."

Her introduction was adorable. She had a slight lisp that added to her character. She ran back to me and flopped on my lap while grabbing onto my neck in a hug. "You did great! Good job Wasa." I whispered to her while securing her in a tight hug.

She smiles into my neck as I pick her back up into my arms as Hyuna leads us into another room that has food lied out across the length of the table. I place Hwasa into her chair right next to mine, slowly sliding her off of my neck.

As the good is being placed onto my plate, my mind goes deep into the reserves of my worst fears. I start to think so much.

Hwasa is so young and dependent, how will she survive if I'm somehow not there?

Meiwoo is nine and now has to take care of our father and provide money for the household. I need to win to ensure their safety and security.

I'm so far deep into my mind that I don't even notice that Ravi has called my attention. "Well," he starts,
"You guys are very adorable, but being cute will get you nowhere when everyone is fighting for eternal glory and financial security."

I nod while reaching for Hwasa's hand underneath the table. Grabbing onto it securely, I silently tell her that everything will be alright through squeezing her hand.

I'm Jung Hoseok, and I'm now determined to fight.

I'm trying to cut myself off at 1000 words but most chapters will be a little longer. But I will make sure every chapter has at least 1000 words minimum.

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