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💚I dedicate this chapter to you💚 ❤💜👉AdengzLovesPizza👈💜❤

👏Great job, two times in a row!!👏



I turned and looked back at Harry and he was starting to get worried. "Hazel get out of here now." He spoke in a whisper. "Why the hell should I go and get out of here? You do not boss me around like that Harry, I can do whatever the fuck I want to do!" I yelled at him. "Hazel calm down please?" he asked me and I lost it...........

I lunged at him and that's when I realised, that's why everybody was scared of me. I had my fangs out and I haven't had blood for three days, but oh well. I started squirming when he flipped us over so that he was on top of me and everybody started to get scared. I was so thirsty for blood it's not funny. He started to pin me down around my hip area by sitting his ass on my crotch. "STOP IT, EVERYBODY GET OUT OF THIS ROOM NOW AND WATCH FROM A SAFE DISTANCE!!" I heard the teacher yell to everyone. "SINGLE FILE, NO PUSHING, EMILY COME ON GET OUT OF HERE!" the teacher yelled.

I pushed Harry off of me and he hit the ground with a thud so I sat on his 'area' and he tried to sit up but I pinned him down by his shoulders and I immediately went for his neck and left soft kisses down towards his collar bone till I found his sweet spot. He started moaning as I sucked on his collar bone leaving a little mark. I bared my fangs and he knew what I was doing now so he pushed me off of him harshly and my back hit the wall roughly and I took a inhale of breathe before I fell to the ground. I cowered into a little ball as a tear slipped from my eye. "Oh my god! Hazz I'm really sorry I didn't mean to hurt you!" Harry told me.

(Her nickname Hazz is pronounced as haze, as in a mist kind of haze.)

He scooped me up in his arms carefully because I was in pain. I felt something wet hit my cheek as he held me bridal style while on his knees. I looked up and saw him crying with tears in his now dull green eyes. That sight made me want to go and lock my self up in my room and never come out. "I'm sorry." he whispered as he stood up and opened the door and stepped out of the room.

By now he had stopped crying and I wasn't in a lot of pain anymore so he set me down so that I could walk on my own as we exited the gym door for outside and we sat on the patio where the pool was. "I'm sorry Hazzybear I didn't mean to lunge at you just like that." I apologised to him. "It's ok." he responded.

We sat there for another five minutes then the bell rang for 7th period. We have study hall 7th and 8th period, I know that's so cool right. We went to the library for 7th and 8th period.

The bell rang for the end of the end of the day. Me and Harry were staying after school to go to the weight room. We went up to our lockers which were right outside study hall. I got my gym bag out of my locker and put my books inside my locker as Harry did the same.

We went to the cafeteria to get a water bottle and put them in our gym bag. We headed in the direction of the exit door and met up with the rest of our group. We all raced towards the weight room and ran inside. We grabbed the football and went outside the weight room to play jackpot.

Some cute guy came up to me and grabbed my ass and him and Harry got into a fight then Dustin, Ashton, and Bradley came out of the weight room and towards us to talk. Me and Dustin have became close friends lately.

When he came near me I grabbed his hand and dragged him behind the building with me. "Can I bite you?" I asked him. "Can you what? To me?" he asked. "Can I bite you?" I asked him again and showed him my fangs. He was standing their frozen looking at me. I couldn't take it anymore and shoved him up against the building and put my head near his neck as my eyes turned red. I bit him and he winced a little bit as I drank his blood. The warm fluid tickling my neck as I swallowed it. His blood tastes sweet. I took my fangs away from him when he started to squirm. I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand and walked away from him and joined the rest of the boys playing football.

💚I dedicate this chapter to you💚 ❤💜👉AdengzLovesPizza👈💜❤

👏Great job, two times in a row!!👏

If you could kiss any celebrity who would it be?

I would kiss Ashton Irwin!!

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