His first reaction of you-BTS

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"What a beautiful person! I don't think I have ever seen a woman(or man) more beautiful(or handsome) then me!" Jin thought as he walked into the coffee shop and saw you sitting by yourself almost out of view.

Jin"What a beautiful person! I don't think I have ever seen a woman(or man) more beautiful(or handsome) then me!" Jin thought as he walked into the coffee shop and saw you sitting by yourself almost out of view

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When Yoongi saw you, the smile on his face said it all. You were an outstanding person to him and he needed to make you his! He would blush a little when you looked over and caught him staring and he would feel a bit more confident when you smiled back.

 You were an outstanding person to him and he needed to make you his! He would blush a little when you looked over and caught him staring and he would feel a bit more confident when you smiled back

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When Namjoon saw you, he looked at you like you were a porcelain doll. He was scared to walk up to you in case he broke your pretty face with his touch. He wouldn't go over to you until the boys gave him a little pep talk to convince him that you had been stealing glances at him as well. When he finally walked over all he could mutter out was a small 'hello'.

 When he finally walked over all he could mutter out was a small 'hello'

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When Hoseok saw you dancing he was overwhelmed with emotion. He was flattered that you had agreed to be his partner because he thought you were stunning! He had to control himself so he didn't just run over and embrace you, so he walked over to place his bag down while making very little eye contact. It's safe to say that he was happy that he was your dance partner and not one of the other members.

 It's safe to say that he was happy that he was your dance partner and not one of the other members

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Jimin couldn't control how happy he was to see his best friend since birth at their concert. His smile had a lot of fans cheering thinking it was for them, but he knew who he was smiling at and after the concert, he would make sure you knew as well.

 His smile had a lot of fans cheering thinking it was for them, but he knew who he was smiling at and after the concert, he would make sure you knew as well

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Taehyung smiled his signature boxy smile when he saw you, the new stylist in training, walk into the room. He was very surprised when you walked over to him to talk with his current stylist that you would be taking over for.

JungkookWhen Jungkook saw Namjoon and you walking together, he couldn't help but feel jealous, you were the best looking person he had ever seen, so he silently laughed it off

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When Jungkook saw Namjoon and you walking together, he couldn't help but feel jealous, you were the best looking person he had ever seen, so he silently laughed it off. He also slightly (more like greatly) wished that you guys weren't dating and that Namjoon was just touring you around the BigHit building.

 He also slightly (more like greatly) wished that you guys weren't dating and that Namjoon was just touring you around the BigHit building

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I hope you guys like it! If you want me to do any reactions, feel free to comment or message me!

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