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Hey kittens!

Sorry about getting all depressed and crap the other day. I was stressing like crazy and it really messed me up. Yeah I caved and had a episode.. Ugh, I get to start my "Clean From Cutting" calender over.. I'm not happy about it and I feel bad for doing it because I was two months clean. 

If you guys ever need anything, help or just someone to talk to, please don't hesitate to ask. Idk if any of you do cut or whatever, but I'll always be here for you guys. You guys are ridiculously amazing and awesome people! Even though I don't know any of you or talk to you, I love you guys, I just want you guys to know that I care and if you need someone, I'll be here. I won't leave, judge you or make you feel like crap. Stay awesome all of you beautiful/handsome people! 

Stay strong my Death Metal Kittens |m/ =^,^=


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