
Colin calls as he paces behind them. She stops turning around.

She lets go of Jesses' hand.

'I just need to... go I'll catch up.'

He smiles, unknowing and rushes off.

'What are you going to do?'

'I'm going to tell him, while it can still come from me.'

'Are you sure?'

'Do I look bloody sure?!'

She yells.

'You don't have to-'

He reaches for her hand, she steps back.

'No, I do. If I can't be honest with the man I love, then, what does that make me?'

She looks away, a tear glistening in her eye.

'You truly love him?' He smiles.


He looks up, holding back the stinging in his eyes as he slowly looks back at her.

'Then tell him. Tell him all of it. If he loves you, he'll understand.'

'And if he doesn't?'

'He will.'

'Ok. Well call me if I'm needed.'

He nods, and with that she dashes of. He catches the first tear as he brisk-fully wipes his cheek and walks back over to Josh.

Jennifer keeps repeating the same words in her mind, playing over how she's going to tell him.

I have something to tell you..

'No' she mutters

Jesse, you see..

'No' and again

Jesse, earlier I-


'Colin just stop!' She yells.

He steps back from her.

'I was done with you. You was finally gone and I was, I am moving on. You had to come back didn't you? To fucking remind me of all the things we shared. I don't need you anymore Colin but I.. you just, you waltz back in here and suddenly everyone acts like you'd never left, like you're the most perfect man in the world. Am I the only one who remembers how it felt when you left? How much you left behind? I loved you. I would of done anything for you to stay, and yet I watched you leave me. Again.'

She walks over to the sink.

'Jennifer.' He turns her to face him. His hand graces her cheek.

'I'm sorry.' 

Sometimes, sorry isn't enough but what about the times when you don't need them to say anything else? When the words 'I'm sorry' actually mean something? And they actually mend a little fragment of your wound?

A Taste Of Forbidden Fruit ( Colifer story) Where stories live. Discover now