You felt like a trash.

"No, please.. I love you, it’s your baby. It’s ours.” You reached his arm but he moved backward.

"Get off of me! You and your filthy hand!“ He shoved you harshly, not caring at all that you’re a pregnant woman.

He was so rude and heartless. He wasn’t Gray who you loved, he’s different.

"Oppa, please!” You cried desperately.

You jerked up, waking up from your sleep with cold sweat all over your body. Your heart beat faster like you just finished run in marathon. 

It wasn’t real, it’s only a dream.

You realized when you looked around, it’s still dark, you were on bed and the smell of hospital hit your nose.

Oh, right.. I fainted and bleeding.
Yeah, bleeding.
Oh, no! How’s the baby?!

You placed your hand on your belly, rubbing it gently. You felt it, the baby’s still there. Your baby still with you. It still being part of you.

Then you glanced at your left side, there was nothing except the cabinet which full of flower and various packages. Usually you loved packages but this time you had no interest on them, you’ll find out what’s inside and who’s the sender later.              

When you glanced at the right side, you found Gray was curling on the couch with uncomfortable position. He used couch’s hand as his pillow which make you sure he would have major cramp on his neck when he wake up. He must be really tired to care that his sleeping position was so uncomfortable and hurt his neck.              
Gray’s here..
He’s here, he’s not leaving you.
He probably have been there and refused to go home.

You thought, knowing that Gray was stubborn and rock head. However, you felt so relief as you realized it was only nightmare, Gray was still here for you, he didn’t go anywhere, he’s not going anywhere.
Tears of happiness rolled down on your cheek, you blinked few times before wiped your tears and glanced at your left wrist, you had an IV. Then carefully, you moved out from the bed, feeling strong enough to walk. You dragged your IV’s stake with you along with fluffy pillow on the other hand, walking slowly approaching Gray.               

Once you closed the gap, you saw him closely, admiring the man that you always wanted to fight for. He’s wort it, he’s always. You felt the emotion to touch him.

Luckily it was a big space couch, so you could sit on the edge and bend a little, you cradled his head gently, placing the fluffy pillow behind his head then kissed his forehead. He stirred a bit but then he snuggled his head closer to you. He’s in deep sleep. 

He had stubble on his jaw, probably because he hadn’t shaved for days but it wasn’t make him look unpleasant. He looked so tired, normally you won’t interrupt his sleep but this time you needed him. You just need to be in his arms and holding you tight.

Seeing there’s an enough space on the couch for you to lie down with him, you didn’t even think twice to invite yourself to join him.

Placing you IV stake near you, you lied down beside him, snuggled closer to his chest as you made his arm secured you. 
You missed him, he was the home that you always looking forward to back to. His embrace was the only place that you wanted, his kiss was addicting and mind shattering. He’s all that you’ve asking for.

Having Gray was the best thing ever happen in your life.

“I love you..” you whispered before closing your eyes into deep slumber.


It felt so peaceful and light hearted, you could sense your smile drawn on your lips. It felt so good and warm as you felt strong arms hug tightly, hiding your body like a cocoon.              
Gray’s eyes fluttered to open, feeling dizzy and lost at the beginning then he realized he fell asleep on your hospital room. But when he glanced at his chest, he found you cuddling him.

At first he thought he was dreaming, but when he adjusted his position, he heard you grumbling incoherently as you tightened you arm around him. That made him sober in a flash.              
He noticed he was no longer using couch’s arm as his pillow, it was already changed into real fluffy pillow. Then he saw your IV stake, standing near you. Wondering when you woke up and decided to join him on the couch while he couldn’t notice your movement. He was sleeping like a bull, he thought.             

But for him, it was the best view to wake up, having you on his arms just like what it used to.

He kissed the top of your head then you stirred, craning your neck and pouting which made him doing his best to not launch tons of kisses on you.

“I’m sleepy..” you mumbled, still pouting. Not aware that Gray was watching you.

Few days ago he saw how you terribly scared about the pregnancy, worried that he might kick you out from his life. But here you are, sleeping soundly on his arms like nothing happen and it’s not like he’s complaining.        

“Sleep more…” He rubbed your back in soothing motion, carefully not touching your IV.

He could ask later, that’s what he thought. His priority was you and it’s always you.

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