Xavier's lips moved against mine, kissing me hard and with desperation, trying to get a reaction out of me. He didn't need to, the tingles intensified the moment his lips met mine, and they shot through me like a bullet barreling from a gun, I could feel it in my toes even. My eyes fluttered close as I hesitantly responded back.

His groan of pleasure vibrated against me, one of his hands roamed down to the small of the back, pulling me further against him while the other tangled itself in my locks of hair. Our lips moved in sync as I caught on with him taking the lead, his teeth nipping at my bottom lip and his tongue peeked out running over the spot, this caused me to gasp against his mouth and for him to take the opportunity of slipping his tongue between my lips.

Xavier pressed his lips back to mine, harder this time, whilst a growl reverting from his chest. He stepped closer 'til there was no space between us, my arms moved themselves to wrap around his neck, my hands lacing through his soft hair. This kiss continued for a few more seconds until the need for air came back at full force.

He reluctantly pulled away, but not too far, for he leaned his forehead against mine, eyes closed and breathing just as hard as I was. We stayed like that for a minute or two, and his eyes squeezed tighter together before they peeled open and I was met with black eyes that slowly began to bleed back to chocolate brown.

"I'm sorry," he whispered.

I frowned, chest still heaving up and down. "Why?" I asked in a breath.

He sighed, "For what happened earlier. You didn't need to see that. ." he trailed off.

Xavier's hands fell down to hold on to my waist, as his thumb slipping to the side of my shirt and running it up and down in a soothing manner.

"But the thought of her touching you with those claws of hers. ." his eyes flashed from black to brown, "was infuriating," he whispered the last part.

I bite down on my swollen bottom lip, his eyes flickering down at the action.

"We should go to class now." his voice rumbles from his chest.

All I could do was nod, lips still tingling from the kiss. His moved and grabbed a hand, gently, before pulling me in the direction where everyone disappeared. My mind was still in a haze and that slightly stopped the questions from coming into my head from the flashes of images and that. . a man who looked so familiar.

~ ✎ ~ ✎ ~

If you don't have that bookI recommend you get it as soon as you can! It just came out and my sister low key just got it today! Its sooooo good! And it was written by the author of the "Divergent" series 💕💕

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If you don't have that bookI recommend you get it as soon as you can! It just came out and my sister low key just got it today! Its sooooo good! And it was written by the author of the "Divergent" series 💕💕

Action begans right off the bat and its really hooking! I even got my crush into it and he hates reading 😂😭

Buts anywayyyy! Let's talk about how they kisses *fans self* intense, yeah? 😂😂 I couldn't back on them kissing, but it did help to calm his wolf tho if y'all were wondering 😳👏 also I wanted to say sorry for the late update kinda, instead of Fridays its gonna be Friday or Saturday 😷 I've been a lazy bum lately

Hoped you enjoyed the chapter!



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