He scoffed. "Must be nice."

The chef chuckled nervously, noticing Vlad's bitter tone. "I'm guessing your daughter's the cause of your frustrating night?"


"Yeah, I'm going through the same thing with my son." He started wiping down the stove. "He's quite the handful."

"I didn't know you had a son." Vlad glanced over at him. "Is he a newborn?"

"Yes, he is." He then started wiping down the counters. "Newborns are difficult to take care of, but it'll all be worth it in the end."

Vlad hummed then took another bite of his eggs. "It better be," he muttered under his breath.


Plasmius flew through the city, searching for something worth of value to steal. Normally, he would go out to work once or twice a week but he spent most of his fortune on his daughter, so he had to go out at least four times a week until he made up for what he lost.

He flew through several stores, using his intangibility and invisibility to prevent anyone from seeing him, and stopped when he entered a bank. A smirk tugged at the corners of his lips as the idea of stealing from a bank peaked his interest. He flew towards the vault, phasing through the security guard standing in front of it, who shivered at his touch. He chuckled darkly and phased through the steel door then activated his ghost ray powers and shot down the camera in the upper corner of the room. His smirk widened as he allowed himself to become visible again and glanced at all of the safe deposit boxes; all of the money he needed was in them.

He levitated over to the nearest one and used his intangibility to stick his hand inside of it. His fingers wrapped around something small and oddly shaped. He raised a confused brow before pulling it out, grinning when he registered that it was a diamond. "Perfect," he muttered, satisfied with his find, before widening his eyes when he heard the sound of the vault door opening.

Quickly, he turned invisible, turning the diamond invisible too, then flew up to the ceiling, watching as three security guards walked in followed by a bank clerk. Two of the guards walked over to the corner where the destroyed camera helplessly dangled from.

The buff one crossed his arms as he glared up at it. "Looks like you were right, Arnold," he stated, his tone deep, "the camera was destroyed."

"I told you I wasn't crazy!" the guard next to him, whose name Vlad guessed was Arnold, exclaimed. "I saw a pink light right before it stopped working!"

The half-ghost flew over to the other safety deposit boxes, knowing full-well the guard's wouldn't see him committing his crime. He reached in one of the top ones and pulled out a silver watch before pocketing it in the pouch he brought with him.

"Did you see anyone?" the teller asked, stepping more into the room.

Arnold pushed up his glasses as Vlad took out a diamond necklace from another deposit box. "That's the strange thing; no one was in the room."

"What?" A guard with a brown beard asked as a smirk settled on his lips. "Are you saying it was a ghost?"

That didn't faze Vlad one bit; he knew people would make assumptions involving the paranormal after his heists but never actually believed in them.

"I don't know what I saw," Arnold defended, "but it wasn't anything human."

The teller shrugged. "Maybe something went wrong with the camera?"

"That caused it to explode?" Arnold placed his hands on his hips as he narrowed his eyes at the halfwitted teller. "Cameras don't just explode randomly. There would have to have been some sort of electrical circuit malfunction."

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