Chapter 12

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Damon groaned and rolled over to his side expecting to be alone when he felt another body laying beside him, opening his eyes he got a eye full of blue and pink hair, sitting up he thought about what happened last night and he looked at Sam and seen her whole back exposed

Speeding out the bed and getting dressed he quickly walked out his room and shut the door not paying attention in front of him, walking forward he bumped into who he seen was Stefan who raised a eyebrow at him in question

"Don't even ask, and don't go in my room" Damon said walking down the hall while keeping his voice down

Stefan waited until Damon was out eye shot, then he cracked the door open to see if anything was different but seen nobody or nothing out of place, so he closed the door

Damon came back and quickly walked in his room, locking the door behind him, looking towards  his bed he didn't see Sam laying in it, he stood and then he and then he heard the shower running so he started to walk towards his bathroom and he seen Sam's silhouette in the shower covered with steam

" what are you doing, why are you still here" Damon groaned looking at Sam

She looked back at him and smirked while saying "well I'm taking a shower and what was I supposed to leave without a good morning kiss"

Damon sighed knowing that he was going to regret last night for the rest of his life and said "you know what happened last night was a mistake I'm pretty sure I'll be much more happy knowing if we never brought this back up again"

Sam thought about it and tuned fully to damon and said "yeah becuase Jay won't be happy about what we done either"

Damon gave her a confused look as she turned the water off and got out of the shower in her naked glory, Damon then noticed all the tattoos she had all over her body, snapping out of his trance he asked " I thought you said that Jay didn't control you"

Sam looked over at Damon what a certain type of look on her face that he can't place and mumbled "he doesn't, I do what I want"

Sam grab the towel and walked out the room drying herself off so she can find her clothes, then she discarded her towel and grabbing her clothes from last night putting them on

she walked out the door and with Damon right behind her

"Where are you going" Damon asked her

She looked at Damon and answered " my sister's house anymore questions" and slammed the door

*Gilbert house*

Sam walked through the house thinking about what she had just did last night  "stupid, stupid, stupid"

Elena heard the door open, so she went down stairs so she could she who it was, she was shocked to see Sam in the kitchen mumbling things to herself

"Sam are you OK Caroline told me about what had happened last night, then you didn't come home I was so worried" Elena said hugging Sam

"It was just a minor accident, he didn't mean to do it" Sam said knowing in her heart that Jay would never hurt her intentionally

"Sam, he drove off the bridge with you and Caroline in it" Elena deadpan Ned knowing that her sister was in denial

Sam walked up to Elena and put her hands Elena's shoulders and said "Elena you just don't understand because you haven't found the love of your life yet, when your in  love you do stupid things"

Elena just looked dumb founded at her sisters response, Sam just gave her sister a hug a and went upstairs

"Ok" Elena said lowly while sitting down in a chair

*Salvatore Boarding House*

"So let me get this straight you slept with Elena's sister" Stefan said dumb founded

"Yup" Damon said sipping on his drink

"Are you going to tell Elena" Stefan said walking up to his brother

Looking up from his drink he looked directly into Stefan's eyes and said "Why the hell would I do that"

"She deserves to know Damon" Stefan said

Rolling his eyes he sighed "Why the in the world would Elena need to know that me and her twin sister slept together"

" I not saying she deserves to know, I just saying if she finds out from someone else you know how she will get" Stefan said walking out the room leaving Damon alone with his thoughts

"Why do I feel like this is going to come back and bite me in the ass" Damon mumbled

*Sam's room*

Sam was in her room changing into something she wouldn't normally wear which were a pare of of jeans and a loose fitting silk shirt, but she still wore heels

She was sitting in front of the mirror  looking at her reflection wondering if Jay would ever try to hurt her on purpose, chuckling to herself at the insane thought

Elena knocked on her door coming in seeing her sister looking at herself in the mirror

"Do you ever feel like you made the wrong decision sometimes" Sam said looking at Elena through the the mirror

"Sometimes, but I know I did it because I thought it was right" Elena explained wrapping her arms around Sam

"Elena I did something that was bad last night" Sam mumbled looking down

"What happened" Elena said looking at her sister

"I'll tell you later can I have some alone time right now" Sam told her and Elena nodded and left Sam alone

Getting up Sam walked over to her window when something covered her mouth and nose making her pass out



What do think happened to Sam

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