It Was Worth All the While

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"I think I have everything..." Billie trails off, looking around. "Toothbrush?" I ask him, flipping the page of the book I was reading. "Thank god you're here! I would've forgot completely!" he says enthusiastically, running towards his bathroom. I smirk to myself and continue reading. He comes back out and leans over me, but I don't look up from my book. "What?" I ask, continuing to finish up the paragraph. "It's not too late to pack your things and come with," he pouts, giving me the cutest puppy eyes in the world. I fold the corner of my book and close it so that I can look up at him. "I can't just leave...I have to stay with my mom; I don't want her to feel abandoned again," I explain, looking up at his luring green eyes. "Don't you have siblings?" he asks, tilting his head slightly. "Yeah...but we haven't talked ever since my mom isolated herself. I know you want me to come, but I really can't," I tell him. "I know..." he says, standing up and zipping up his suitcase.

I get up and put my shoes on. "Wait, before you go, I have a present for you," Billie says, grabbing an envelope off of his dresser. "What's the occasion?" I ask, confusion contaminating my brain. "It's a goodbye present..." he trails off, handing me the envelope. I take it from him skeptically and open it. "I always keep my promises," he says before I get a chance to look at it. Two tickets for whale watching in Alaska. I smile and look at Billie with bittersweet tears in my eyes. "I can't take these," I say, handing them back. "W-why?" he looks confused. "Because, you promised that you would take me to can't just send me off there," I laugh slightly, picking up my purse and turning to look at him. "When I get back, we'll go.... Are you sure you can't come on tour with me?" he asks one last time. "I'm sure," I confirm. He grabs his suitcase and walks towards the front door with me, leading me to my car. I throw my purse in the passengers seat and look at Billie. "I'm gonna miss you," he says, placing his hands on my hips. "I'll miss you too, but it's too difficult to leave so soon," I explain. He lifts up my chin so that I'm looking at him dead on. He leans in slowly and places a soft kiss on my lips, and I throw my arms over his shoulders, pulling him closer to me. The kiss begins to intensify, but he pulls away before it gets too heated. I leave my arms resting on his shoulders and we stare at each other for another moment, neither of us knowing what to say. I take my arms off of his shoulders and he backs up from me. "Bye, Cara," he says sorrowfully. "Bye, Billie," I say, getting into my car and backing out of the driveway. He waves one last time and I wave back as I leave his house.


My mom and I drink our coffees as we people watch. "You should've gone," she says softly, taking a sip of her drink and avoiding eye contact with me. "'s too difficult when Adrienne is there. She seemed nice, but I don't know. I wouldn't want to make her feel upset every time she saw Billie and I together," I tell her. A moment goes by when I suddenly realize, "Sh-t! Mom, I have to go! I completely forgot something!" I place my coffee down on the table and race to my car. Behind me, I faintly hear my mom yell, "Bye!" I get into my car and race to the airport as fast as I can without getting pulled over. Once I reach the airport, I speed over to the valet parking section, which I had no idea existed(Yes, I know that these don't exist in most airports; bare with me please), and hand the valet driver some money. I look intently as I see the different airlines. "Cara?" I hear a voice behind me. I turn around and find exactly who I need. "Jill! Thank f-cking god I found you!" I say, hugging her tightly. She puts down her bag and hugs me back. "How come you haven't shown up for work? You left me all alone! So rude!" she says as we both release each other. "Look, that's not important! I needed to say goodbye to you!" I tell her honestly. "So, you came all the way down to the airport just to say goodbye?" she begins. A moment of silence goes by and I nod. "Oh my god! That's the most insanely amazing thing ever!" she exclaims, hugging me tighter than ever. "I always knew you were best-friend-material," she beams. I begin to cry when I understand that she accepts me as her friend. "You're making me ruin my eyeliner," I cry. "It can be reapplied and you know it," she sighs, letting me go. "Jill! C'mon! We have to go! The plane is about to leave," Alex sasses Jill before walking through the terminal's entrance. "I guess I have to go now," she sniffles. "We'll see each other when you get back. It's not like you're leaving forever," I try to comfort her. "I know...goodbye, Cara," she breathes. "Goodbye, Jill," I say back, hugging her one last time. She walks away and through the terminal door, looking back one final time. I walk back to the valet and get my car back, still upset about having to say goodbye to Jill.
I get back to Oakland Coffee and see my mom waiting outside. She gets in and looks at me,"I still think you should've gone." I roll my eyes and drive us back home.
We walk through the apartment door and sit on the couch, Bear greeting us happily. "Mom, before you say anything, I don't want to talk about anything that involves leaving for tour, okay?" I demand softly. "Okay...Can I just get one thought out beforehand?" she asks. I sigh, "Fine, but nothing else after this." "I really think you should trust him...I mean, after all, both of you obviously have feelings for each other. Whenever you talk about him, which is a lot I might add, your eyes light up and I can practically hear your heart pound," she speculates. "You haven't even met him," I state. "Well, I can infer, can't I?" she argues. "Yeah, yeah, yeah," I roll my eyes and turn on the TV. An hour or so goes by and I begin to feel regret. I should have gone. We were happy with each other, and I already miss him...and Jill. Jill is my only friend I've made besides Mike and Tré since I've moved here. I should have gone.

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