A Collision With Destiny

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Cody loved the exhilarating rush of adrenaline that came along with coasting down the streets of Venice Beach on his custom designed blue and white penny board. The color choice was an homage to his alma mater, Duke, naturally. The bleach blond locks that normally hung in lifeless strings draped across Cody's forehead danced in the wind as his damp mauve t-shirt clung to his pecs. He felt free, liberated from the monotonous grind of life he had endured each day over the past several decades. Cody whizzed past groups of vapers and stoners and flew by joggers. He closed his eyes, inhaling the sea spray and exhaling all his angst and resentment towards "the system." Cody couldn't fucking stand the system. Yes indeed, he was in a state of pure bliss. Until his tranquility was interrupted by a piercing shriek. Cody's eyes shot open, just as he collided with a surfer. The woman absorbed the impact, as Cody fell into her, his arms flailing wildly.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry," gasped Cody, brushing himself off. His penny board lay snapped in two on the concrete. He braced himself for the wrath of the surfer. Though, he couldn't help but subtly look her up and down. She was a brunette, which Cody pitied her for. Blondes have more fun, he thought to himself, shaking his head. She was probably around sixty-six inches tall by his estimates. He lowered his eyes and gazed upon her perfectly symmetrical, tanned face. Cody couldn't help but gawk at her well-muscled neck. He knew what he could use that for. Her tiny waist flared into a set of luscious hips. My god, thought Cody, those bad boys have got to be 39-inchers. He bit his lip imagining the backside of her muscular surfer bod. Fucking bodacious. Would love a handful of all that. The breasts were okay. Nothing to write home about. But, overall the verdict was that he would smash.

"Keep your eyes open next time," she laughed, winking. Cody could have sworn her teeth sparkled as if this were a Crest whitestrips commercial. He felt a surge of relief after her nonchalant and, well, somewhat flirty reaction.

"Say, what's a guy like you doing at a place like this?" she questioned him coyly.

Cody rolled up his mauve sleeves in anticipation. Oh yeah, a classic meet-cute. This was right up his alley. "A guy like me is why a girl like you comes to a place like this," he replied confidently. He's so suave, that Cody Ko. "I'm Cody."

The surfer licked her lips. "My name is Samantha," she replied, holding out a hand to help Cody up.

Cody seemed to have forgotten he was still sprawled on the pavement due to the collision. He reached for her hand, but then stopped himself. "Why don't I just..." he bashfully looked away and spread his legs ever so slightly "...stay down here?"

Samantha's eyes lit up. She knew what Cody meant by that. "Cody!" she giggled shyly. "We're in public."

Cody cocked his head and grinned. "Well, good thing I live right here in Venice." Samantha was so turned on when she heard the location of Cody's home that her eyes rolled back into her head.

"Oh, Cody!" she gasped. "Take me to your place!"

"We don't have far to go," whispered Cody, biting his lip and raunchily jamming his hands in his pockets as he stood up. "Let's go, baby-doll." He grabbed her hand, leaving his busted penny board at the scene. He had something else to bust now.

Cody barreled down the street through the throngs of pedestrians, hand in hand with Samantha. Everyone leapt out of the way, clearing the path for the unstoppable force that was Cody Ko.

Seconds later, they were in the lobby of Cody's apartment. "God, I can't wait until the elevator gets here," he moaned.

"Me too, I can't wait to get in the elevator." Samantha was exploding with enthusiasm and sexuality.

Cody Ko: A Collision With Destiny (WARNING: DIRTY)Where stories live. Discover now