"No, papa, I am happy now so let's not rehash the horrible past" She said evasively.

"I know you are happy now with your husband and kids but still you have this lingering fear in your mind, don't you?"

Madhu frowned wondering how he knew about it.

"I heard Rishab talk about you and your phobias with his friend" he said, a way of explanation to her unasked question.

"Oh Dr. Sameer. He is Rishab's close friend and my current psychotherapist. I have certain fears which you know already and I am trying... actually struggling to over come... but... but I... couldn't..." she started breathing hard as panic set in her.

"Oh God! What have I done to my daughter?" He cried remorsefully as he looked up at the ceiling. After all these years she is still stuck up with her past and worrying sick? He thought painfully.

"Papa, it's too late to think about what you have and what you haven't done." Madhu said curtly quickly regaining her composure. She didn't want to go weak in front of her father.

"I know. I lost my daughter because of the lack of trust I had on your mother"

"You made a mistake, I agree, papa, but you never made an effort to mend it. You weren't there for me when I needed you." She accused him as her tempered flared up. Malik looked at his daughter speechless. She took a deep breathe. "I am sorry. I am already disturbed, papa so lets not discuss this matter now. I wanna focus on my babies naming function." She said softly.

"Alright. Before I leave I wanna give you something and I hope you will graciously accept it"

"Of course I will, papa" Madhu gave him a genuine smile.

"Here" he passed her small velvet box.

She opened it and found a thin gold chain in it with a small fish pendant.

"I love it, papa" Madhu said smiling brightly and quickly put on the chain around her neck and hooked it. "But why you got me this gift, papa?" She asked curiously.

"Your mom and I were looking for some jewelry for our grandchildren and suddenly my eyes caught that fish pendant..." He said pointing to her neck. "... I know your obsession for fish and thought you would like it if I got it for you"

"Thanks, papa"

Malik smiled and turned to walk out when Madhu called him.


"Um... You and Mama... okay right? I mean you guys are not pretending as one happy couple in front of the world right?" Madhu always wanted to know whether things were alright between her parents but she was too caught up with her own issues to care about their personal affair. In a way she felt guilty for not caring about them and trying to mend things in her parents' lives. If her father failed to do his role then she felt she too failed as a daughter.

"If you are trying to ask whether your mom forgave me for what I did then the answer is no! She hasn't forgiven me and I don't want her to forgive me ever... I deserve this punishment." He said hanging his head low in shame. "But we are not pretending anything, Madhu. It isn't easy to fake the conjugal bond." He said with a chuckle. "If there is no love to share then no couple will stand each other for even a minute... but we are together for over 30 years now and we are still going strong... And that's because your mama & I love each other as much as we hate each other"

"You hate mama?" Madhu frowned. Why the hell he would hate her when he was at fault? She wondered.

"Yeah... kind of" he wasn't sure whether he still hated her or not.

Book I - Husband, I Love You (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now