The Troyler Oneshot

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• Tyler •

I couldn't help thinking, on regular occasion, that Felix simply didn't like me. Now, that wasn't because he ever outwardly showed animosity – oh no, god forbid, but he did seem to pick the worst missions for me to go on, and I didn't get any say in the matter ("We need you on this one, Tyler, you're the only one skilled enough to do it" – knows exactly how to get under my skin) and suddenly I found myself abandoned in Australia on an intersector unity mission, of all things.

This is meant to be Felix's job, dammit.

Perhaps it wouldn't have been so bad, if somebody had notified Sector Three that I would be showing up on their doorstep. Instead, I was met with a team of men (because sexism is still rampant apparently), all of who looked considerably younger than me (sigh) and were pointing guns at me. Not the fun type, either.

I mean, really, we live in a world of superheroes. Why threaten me with guns? I'd be more threatened if you just held your arm out, now that was something to be afraid of. Instead I was forced to a standstill, pretending to look mildly afraid whilst keeping a cool face, and thinking to myself, Felix, regardless of whether you hate me, I hate you, because I am not your henchman when there's a job you don't want to do.

"Step back, sir." One of the men, eyes trained entirely on me and narrowed, as if studying a curious specimen, stated, as if my taking a singular step back was going to make a difference. So, not the best of the best then. These were the people who did their best to hold the threats while they brought of the big guns.

Now, let it be known, I may hate Felix as of approximately two minutes ago, but I do not hate Sector Eight, and I didn't have any intentions of sabotaging this mission, even if it would be incredibly entertaining to do so. So, with a smile that probably came across slightly aggressive, I slowly raised my arms and took one, small step back. Who said I couldn't have fun with it?

The man looked like he was about to blow a fuse and opened his mouth, probably to politely ask me to take another one, but a hand on his shoulder stopped him. Clearly, this was the big guns, because unlike the line of armed soldiers that stood in front of me, he was wearing plain clothes. The man immediately stood down, as if reassured, and the rest followed. "Stand down. He has business here. For now."

"I'm hurt." I smiled, lowering my arms immediately and retracing the step. This boy, because he was a boy, he hardly even looked to be an adult, raised an eyebrow as I approached him, sticking my arm in means of greeting. Apparently unamused, he simply turned, not taking up my offer of a handshake, which is really offensive, excuse you, there are very few ways to torture a person passively and refusing a handshake is one of them, and walked, obviously expecting me to follow him. "And here I thought I was coming to discuss peaceful coexistence."

"You are. Keyword, discuss." He simply stated as I followed him into the building, away from the small crowd of onlookers who had gathered, through a door and down a hallway. I was yet to determine whether he was my escort or the person I was here to speak to, but either way he wasn't anything to scoff out. He radiated power like a heater, and his very presence demanded respect. Yet still, it looked almost self-inflicted, which was very interesting and something I would definitely be looking into before I left. "I've not decided if I'm going to take up your offer yet."

Which meant he was Sector Three's equivalent of Felix, and he definitely wasn't interested in taking me to their equivalent of Ian or Anthony. But that wasn't entirely fair. Sector Eight, after all, was mostly ran by the sergeant's – these were government organizations, so matters such as these were down to the strongest of their ranks, because they didn't really have an equivalent. So hey, leader of Sector Three. I was flattered. "Well that's a little harsh. We approached you, after all. It was one of your lot invading our ranks."

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