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"H E
Must die for his crimes." I said. The whole table murmured in agreement. Queen Hippolyta sat at the end of the oval mahogany table, in an elevated throne type of chair. She was gripping the arms, her knuckles pale.

"We need to question him first. We need to know how he knew about Arcadia. We need to act with serenity and calmness." She said. Most Amazons grumbled in disagreement. I slowly rose from my chair. I planted my bloodied knuckles on the tables. I hadn't had the chance to clean myself.

"With respect, your majesty. This man's comrades killed our sisters. My blood sisters. And let me remind you that he tried to kill you in cold blood." I said. Murmurs rippled around the room.

"They were our sisters too," Hippolyta said quietly.

She sighed. "I know those mortal did some horrible things. But he needs to stay alive for one purpose only, to answer questions. That is all we need him for. After that you can do whatever you want with him." The Queen said.

Someone grumbled. "This mortal needs to go through a proper trial. He is mortal after all. The gods can be testing us." A woman said, lazily leaning back into her chair. I had no idea who she was, but nonetheless I glared at her. "Go to trial for trying to kill our queen? That is a straight death sentence. Not to mention he had to do with the death of our sisters." I reminded her.

Others agreed with me. But someone else stood. A short brunette. "Welsh is right," she said, gesturing the woman who had spoken up earlier. "The gods might be testing us. We need to follow the law. One wrong move and we can lose the only connection with the gods!" She exclaimed.

Everyone looked at me for an answer. I sighed, feeling exasperation crawling its way up my chest. "They almost killed a birthing house. With children in it!" I yelled, causing the brunette to sink in her chair.

"They came into our home, trying to kill us. Tried to kill our queen. They tried to kill the next lineage of Amazons. Think about it. If we let this slip more can and will come. You all know mortals. They try to claim what's not theirs. Let this man," I spat with disgust. "Serve an example to all."

Everyone stood from their chairs, clapping. The Queen stayed seated in her chair, eyes glued to the table. I rose my chin higher, thinking about Calandra and Damia. They would have wanted this. Once we all settled down, the queen looked up.

Tiredness draped all over her face. "Who votes for this mortal to go through a fair trial?" She asked. The brunette rose her hand. The woman next to me nodded. "I second that." She said as she rose her hand.

"And those who oppose?" Hippolyta asked, even though she knew what the verdict was going to be.

Everyone else rose their hand.

Hippolyta nodded, pushing back her chair. "Well, there you have it. The mortal will be questioned by a series of investigators. Knowing that Vanara was their closest blood kin, she will decide what to do with him after the investigation is over." She announced.

The Queen walked away with hand resting on her sword. Everyone began to stand and gather their things. I pushed my chair back and ran after the queen. As I spotted her turning the corner, I caught up with her.

I unhooked Calandra's shield from my back, handing it to Hippolyta. "Here. I think you should have it. Calandra would be honored to have her shield used by your majesty." I said. Hippolyta gave me a small smile.

"Keep it, Vanara. You deserve it. You saved every one in Arcadia. They would be very proud." She said. I nodded, clicking the shield back in my back holster. The Queen stopped walking, causing me to follow suit.

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