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When it came to the written exam, Katsuki didn't really know what to expect but was ready for anything; from persuasive essays to comprehension, the girl had studied everything and anything literature related to absolutely ace this exam. Though, wasn't really a need to do so.

The girl was confident she would pass the practical exam with flying colors and probably come first, which would make up for any bad marks (if she actually got any, which she highly doubted she did) but the point of Yuuei's entrance exam wasn't to just see who could pass. It gave the teachers, who were Pro-Heroes, their first impression of the students. If there was anything Katsuki learned from entering junior high, it would be that first impressions were vital.

(Katsuki may or may not have terrorized her school on her first day... Don't ask.)

The questions on the test such as 'Why do you want to become a hero?' and 'What should you do if a situation like this occurs?' were surprisingly easy, it had felt she had spent all those hours for nothing but it made sense. They wouldn't just accept a student who didn't have a mindset of a to-be hero. The teen had answered the questions honestly if not, a bit exaggerated which should have done the trick. Overall, Katsuki spent fifteen minutes on the written exam; the rest was time for a nap.




I want to become a hero to protect the citizens of my hometown and more specifically, my mother. It is the duty my father gave to me before passing away. To do so, I must become stronger. I feel that Yuuei will allow me to grow and become what it is my fullest potential.

If a situation where me and my partner/s surrounded by villains and was separated from a peer occurred and had no option but to decide what action would take place, I would undoubtedly save my comrade. I would be the attention drawer while the rest of the team would go looking for the missing person. I won't die because I will have to buy time for the party to re-group.


That was yesterday. Today was the Practical Skills Exam.

She wore a simple casual attire which was also easy to move about in; a hooded black jumper and black leggings. It made her look like a gangster and attracted attention from all the other examines. That was exactly what she wanted.

Walking through the entrance, Katsuki listened to her music on shuffle with her black (everything was black lately, it just seemed fitting) earphones plugged into her iPod, humming the tune of whatever came up. Then she saw the (what the actual heck is he doing here, she thought) green haired nerd named Izuku, which she would never call him by.

The girl lifted up her hoody, pulling it over her head and made sure her eyes were covered. No, she was not talking to that weakling and no, she wouldn't accept the fact that he actually had the guts to come here.

"K-kacchan!" How in the world did he recognize her? "Hey there; good morning, let's–"

Katsuki had better things to do than listening to an idiot ramble on and just swiftly walked passed him. She hadn't talked to the guy ever since that... slime incident and didn't plan to any time soon. Pressing onwards, Katsuki walked through the doors and followed all the others into the hall.




Why was she sitting next to the nerd?

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