Chapter 9- Long Live the Queen

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It was a surprise, but Toffee and Moon's new relationship was as easily concealed as their friendship was. They were able to hide it for months. Although, not a lot changed going from best friends to boyfriend and girlfriend. Toffee still went through his daily reports with the king and queen and had secret rendezvous with Moon in her room later. They weren't allowed outside, but they still managed to have an enjoyable time. It didn't really matter they couldn't go anywhere. They were just happy to be together and that was all that mattered at the moment.

It was almost February in Mewni and the whole kingdom was covered in a deep blanket of snow. The royal gardens were vacant and untouched from their brief dead, ugly appearance, which ensured two lovers meeting there that they would not be seen by anyone.

"Why'd you want to meet me in the garden today? I thought even garden walks were risky." Moon questioned, upon her arrival. Toffee was wrapped up in a heavy cloak and any other article of clothing he could find to protect him from the cold. He did not do cold weather well, yet had insisted meeting Moon outside that day.

"You worry too much, Moon." Toffee exclaimed, sarcastically. She looked at him and his adorable smugness, until he admitted the real reason he brought her out there. "Alright, I may have had ulterior motives for taking you outside. There's a surprise waiting in your room."

"Is it a dead bird?" she asked, jokingly, as if he were a feral cat.

"You'll see have to go see for yourself." he replied, mischievously. Moon ran hastily back towards the castle doors, without warning. "I didn't mean right now! Wait a minute."

Toffee chased after her, but Moon had gotten too much of a head start. Also, she had a magical boost from her wand that jetted her forward. When Moon burst the door of her room open, she instantly saw there was something new sitting on her bed. A little creature with purple fur and pink cloven hooves was chewing on her bed sheets. He addressed her presence with his dark red eyes for a second, before continuing with his meal. Moon shrieked with delight and ran to hug the precious babe. Toffee appeared in the doorway, out-of-breath, and begun shedding his many layers so he would not suffocate.

"A pig-goat! Is he for me?" Moon exclaimed, squishing the cheeks of the creature with delight. She'd always wanted one, but her parents did not think pig-goats were a proper pet. They were dirty and rolled around in mud. It was one of the only things in her pampered life she'd asked for and had never received.

"Of course! I didn't just put a pig-goat in your room for no reason." Toffee stated, finally regaining his composure and the ability to breath properly.

"What's the occasion then?" she asked, even though she already knew quite well.

"I believe it's one of our anniversaries." he answered, closing the door so they had a little more privacy.

"You remembered!"

"You've been dropping hints every other day. It was impossible not to remember."

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" Moon beamed, excitedly, releasing the pig-goat to hug Toffee. "I think I'll name him Lil' Chauncey because he kind of reminds me of the Chancellor."

"They look nothing—"

"Moon, are you in there?"

It wasn't Moon's maid, who was one of the few who knew of her and Toffee's torrid affair, but her mother. The queen hardly ever came to see Moon, usually she was called to her parent's audience. Although, she was curious as to the occasion for this visit, Moon was more concerned of the fact she was alone with Toffee in her room. Also, had a pig-goat just nonchalantly lying on her bed. Her mother would have a heart attack if she saw any of this.

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